What went wrong ?
i miss those boys like you wouldnt believe
Adding new weapons and cosmetics just for the sake of adding them.
Going free to play turned it into Valve's data mining machine which lead to them throwing shit at a wall and seeing what stuck instead of having any clear development plan.
Outsourcing the game to the community. Fuck off, Tyler.
I'm still mad about the art style the most, though.
the art style is what drew me into the game, seeing the game in it's current state makes me genuinely mad
>Plethora of broken "sidegrades"
>Le quirky reddit humor slowly replacing the original thoughtful comedy
>new UI with default matchmaking
>shortage of quality payload maps
I'm so fucking mad they ruined my favourite game of all time. I literally played stuff from the orange box every single day for years and would still be doing so if they hadn't fucked it up beyond redemption.
they just need to take a 2007 backup and copypaste it, the game has only gotten worse since then
Did they buff the flare gun or something? It feels like every pyro these days is using it regardless of their flamethrower choice
all my friends stopped playing and doing it with randoms feels like driving rusty nails into your eye sockets
Going free to play ruined it. Now it's just a Brazilian hat simulator.
>huge graphical downgrade from it's release to 2017
there was no need for this
>entire community based around selling virtual shit
your ultra rare flip knife isn't worth 5000 dollars let alone 5 dollars
>bots added to official servers
this makes the most sense but it's still pretty bad if they arent doing anything to continue promoting the game.
>graphical downgrade with even worse optimization
it's all so tiresome
I don't know what Valve's intentions with the game were in the beginning but it's obvious (and I think they've said as much) that TF2 became a testing grounds for markets. Can we sell hats? Can we sell costume colors? Can we sell weapons and accessories and crates and keys and emotes and etc etc.
They seemed to stopped having any care for the game and decided to whore out the IP as much as possible and to their credit the community has been all too happy to bend over and suck based gabens billionaire cock time and time again.
>valve kills community servers first by excluding anything that's not running full vanilla from quickplay and then burying whatever was left completely with meet your match
>now matchmaking's infested with bots
people who called overwatch the tf2 killer have no idea, tf2 did a perfectly fine job of killing its own self
>mfw both ow and tf2 are dead
What the hell happened to valve that made them not give a shit anymore? Like fuck the game is still a mess with no official updates in sight. How many people are working on the game now?
Compcancer was allowed to reach stage 4 and metastasize into the game itself.
Valve were fed an extreme amount of bullshit about how the only way for TF2 to "survive" was for it to add compmode and become more like Overwatch, so when they released Meet Your Match and saw the backlash it had received, they went "oh well, looks like TF2 really is unsalvageable", threw in the towel and put the game on life support
Imagine actually defending the Iron Bomber
Stay seething scout tranny!
Get piped!
literally a direct upgrade to stock
What did he mean by this?
Valve is a lazy piece of shit, that's all.
it went f2p
>the amount of outrage when people found out that the stock bottle didnt break anymore
I hope Comtress 2 actually gets Valve to do something. It's the only community project I've seen in ages that actually seems genuinely 100% good for everyone.
your default screen name when you make a steam account is copied from whatever email address you entered
tf2 has lots of f2ps running around with names like that
>? icon
Download Team Fortress 2 Classic.
Stop telling people to do this. I don't want faggots from Zig Forums to be playing it.
Valve will never pick up a project based of the source code leak, let alone giving a tranny leeway into feeding their ego.
Also if it does get implemented on the outrageous chance it does, spy players will bitch and moan over trickstabs being fixed and demo knights will bitch over trimping being gutted.
too many new weapons completely changed the game.
It went from a game where you could understand how different classes functioned and adapt to them, to a madhouse where you didn't know if a demoman would speedhack to you with a sword or stickyjump across the map or what.
maybe they accidentally swapped the hitboxes for the iron bomber and loose cannon
>implying that they don't
>242 commits since the first release
>in fucking AUGUST
> spy players will bitch and moan over trickstabs being fixed and demo knights will bitch over trimping being gutted.
Neither trickstabs nor trimping are glitches, why would they be removed?
Download Open Fortress
>you didn't know if a demoman would speedhack to you with a sword or stickyjump across the map
If you can't tell you are stupid user. They make it extremely obvious.
>Valve will never pick up a project based of the source code leak
Wasn't the Rabscootle item schema fix based on the leaked source code?
No thanks.
Trickstabs and trimping are unintended mechanics, much like how bhop in quake is a bug turned feature.
I wouldn't put it past someone to try to "fix" those mechanics.
They listened to b4nny and Uncle Dane ONCE and it ruined the game permanently
Looks fine to me!
Buff the other ones to be the same size
Scout trannies should learn to dodge lol
Mastercoms isn't retarded, though. Go look at the github page; (s)he is well aware of what should and shouldn't be fixed.
Also, Trickstabbing isn't an "unintended mechanic" anyways. It's just the backstab hitbox working as intended and interpolation making shit look weird.