If this launched as a Series X exclusive day one would it save Xbox

If this launched as a Series X exclusive day one would it save Xbox

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Only if i could plug in a mouse and keyboard for PvE only shit

nah, shit series

I don't know, man. People forgot that Valve even used to make games and the zombie format is very tired at this point.

Cringe and bluepilled.

>valve game
>console exclusive

Yeah then I'd be waiting for the next Pokemon to be a PC exclusive.

I can really see Valve making a game that they exclude from their own digital distribution platform. What a dumb thread.

it would be like, 1 console exclusive but it is a valve game so i'm not sure

Xbox doesn't need it, with all the free publicity it's getting from Sonyroaches it's going to do great.

nah bro, its gonna be an EPIC exclusive because tim is fighting for our rights and he's just so heckin epic

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>Xbox exclusive
>not on PC

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Hell yeah epic gamer moment right there

How do you guys think back 4 blood will be like?


That shit would have to be a huge and I mean a huge step up from the previous games to make a difference.

I except a l4d clone that's serviceable

>Xbox Exclusive
In what ass backwards parallel universe does this happen?

Why would Valve save Microsofts console?

>Zombie format is very tired
By what metric? There's a zombie game maybe every 4 years unless you count codshit, and they're usually not that good. L4D as a cross plat would be gravy

a clone of left 4 dead with worse special infected and some new game modes and gimmicks

>Series X exclusive
No because it would also be on Steam and Windows Store.

Valve released two new games this year with a third currently in beta.

They released Alyx and?

>and the zombie format is very tired at this point.
Still tens of thousands of players playing L4D2 daily, 11 years after its release, so there's an audience for that kind of game specifically.

1) No it wouldn't
2) Why in the butt fuck would valve make their game exclusive to a platform that isn't their own?

It's thanks to the game being very mod friendly

That DOTA Chess game thing that people completely forgot about.

L4D is one of the best takes on the "zombie format"

Dota Underlords, with Artifact 2 currently in beta.

what does zombie format even mean
are you specifically talking about l4d style zombie games like vermin tide or do you mean zombies in general? if it's the latter then you are a retard. actually you're a retard in both cases.former ignores that zombie games are a diverse genre, compare dead rising, resident evil, left 4 dead, all massively different. that's like saying the romance format is tired, the alien format is tired, the fantasy format is tired. i think you're the one who's tired.
