what makes stalker games so good desu?
What makes stalker games so good desu?
They're scarier than many "true" horror games released in past few years.
They look prettier than some much later released multiplat titles.
They make games like Far Cry 3-5 feel like horribly dumbed down, handholding kiddie games.
They are fairly realistic, but not simulator-level. There's real bullet physics and stuff like bleeding and hunger, and one shot to the head can kill anyone.
They are VERY long lasting games. One playthrough in vanilla can last well over 25 hours at calm pace, but I've spent a good two WEEKS in all three of them on my first playthroughs. And later a lot more with numerous mods.
They're not perfect games and have their few issues, but in the end they are like "rough diamonds": totally worth investing time and effort in. They are just not afraid to kick you in the groin and call you a bitch - which is quite rare in modern games.
let's hope stalker 2 will be that good
It won't. It's already confirmed console-shit, being a timed Xbox exclusive. Enjoy your Metro REDUX: Chernobyl Edition.
well bugger
The atmosphere you can get lost in the game world nothing comes close.
It's a janky fps with shit shooting and dead openworld, which was considered zoomer core in 2007. SoC is 5/10, CS 3/10, CoP 6.5/10
Only retarded slavboos pretend stalker is any good.
>it's not on my playstation day 1 so it's automatically bad. Also xbox has no games.
No, you stupid console coomer.
The fact that it's a multiplat game at all = confirmed downgrades and streamlining.
There's a reason the original GSC gave all the Xbox publishers a big, fat middle finger when they started suggesting "minor changes" to make the game more appealing for the console audiences.
>There's a reason the original GSC gave all the Xbox publishers a big, fat middle finger when they started suggesting "minor changes" to make the game more appealing for the console audiences.
Nice cope. GSG just simply wasn't sure their bugfest would even work smoothly on consoles, you dolboeb. Not some le epic middle finger for casuals xd
Wrong again, burger boy.
Go get burned in forest fires and BLM riots.
They are shitty walking simulators
Alo dolboeb ya tvoi rot ebal, tuporului ti kusok govna.
There's literally nothing stalker had that wouldn't be easily adapted to consoles, retard
Except inventory management, leaning, two stages of crouching, non-gimped (read: auto-aim) gunplay with bullet physics, and fucktons of other things.
Every single day-1 multiplat is always designed with the weakest system (read: the console) in mind, as in made to work on the clunky and restrictive gamepads and weak ass hardware. Every single PC to console conversion has been severely downgraded to compensate the livingroom toys' shortcomings.
youre a poor european so you convince yourself its good
>t. got filtered by the Car Park
Leaning is the only actual thing here that would be hard to implement with a controller.
>inventory managment
>no space limitation just barebones weight stat
>leaning, two stages of crouching,
>wow press a button so hard
>non-gimped (read: auto-aim) gunplay with bullet physics,
>bullet physics
This is your brain on slavboo
>fucktons of other things.
Хвaтит нecти хyйню дoлбoeб
Deus Ex Invisible War and Thief Deadly Shadows disprove that argument
It was based on absolute cult book in slavland and everyone wanted to feel like Red Shoehart in 3D Fallout before Fallout 3 happened.
But muricans of course took it to extreme and started masturbating over it making the game way overpopular. Something similar happened to Witcher 3 but the latter was taken over by casuals and the former by self-proclaimed hardcores.
Take a look at Metro 2033, it's in the very place Stalker should be. Just a good game, not really a memorable one.
Also mods made Stalker much better or worse in some instances
The purely technical aspects are a concern, but thigns like inventory, leaning and crouching could easily be made to work on console. Just not as well as on PC. Resident Evil 4's inventory controls are enough for Stalker on a gamepad. Leaning on a gamepad would be a single button that contextually changes strafe to lean, and on PC lean would have dedicated buttons for each side. Crouching would be an analog click toggle and low crouch would be an analog hold toggle. It would be clunky on gamepad but everything is. And because it's actually easier to reprogram inputs for keyoard inputs it would be trivial to have PC-friendly controls on PC. Sure, many shitty AAA games have elected to not do that and strip away all convenience from all versions just for the sake of the inferiority of the worst platform, but it's literally just one step in the right direction that needs to be taken. If even that step isn't taken, then the entire rest of the game can be safely ignored because it shows that absolutely no effort whatsoever was expended on bringing the game to the platform it's supposed to be on.
>Resident Evil 4's inventory controls are enough for Stalker on a gamepad
RE4 pauses the game while in inventory.
STALKER does not.
>zoomer core
Do you know how time works faggot
I'm in X18 and it's too scary i can't bring myself to continue please help
>Thief Deadly Shadows
There were memory issues with level design, yes. But if you're talking about the problems of gamepad controls with Thief, you couldn't be further from the truth. Deadly Shadows actually decreased the ambiguous contextuality of Thief's controls instead of increasing it, despite downgrading from a 110+ input controller to a 16 input controller. It separated frob and use item into two different inputs.
I know, question if you do understand retard. In 2007 it was literally a cringy kiddie game for slavs but 13 years later p retards oretending they are elitist masturbate over this pile of jank and shit.
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and Hitman Blood Money also have keyboard-activated contextual menus for interaction ingame in real time. Sure, a console player of Stalker needs to be a bit quicker when doing stuff with a d-pad controlled grid cursor, activating ammo selection menus etc. but that just means they need to git gud or fuck off.
And you don't need inventory in combat dumbo. You have 2 quick keys for meds in soc/cs and 4 for anything you want in CoP making muh inventory managment without pause obsolite
You realize you are arguing with console players, right? They are the reason FPS got cucked and slow as fuck so they can play with theirs joysticks in the first place. Don't bother and regardless, Stalker 2 is being made for them so... who cares?
>burger pretends he knows about stalker
Блядь пoшeл нaхyй, дoлбoeб. Я тeбя paзмoжжy кaк тapaкaнa cтoит тeбe oткpыть cвoй cpaный poт пpo иcтopию cтaлкepa.
is that Jim Sterling?
Isn't this that fat fuck who milked his own cock with some weird pump machine?
>burger LARPs as a slav to win online arguments
Can I play any of these with a PS4 controller yet? I've been interested for 9 years now, but kb&m is for fags
>complete sentences
Oткpывaй poтeшник, дoлбoeб. Ceйчac тyдa пoльётcя тeплaя cтpyя peвизиoнизмa.
>Non-sequitur as counter-argument
You're losing it, little guy.
please help im too scared in x18
same thing that makes killing floor "good"
>пyкнyл хyeтy
>ты пpaиpывaeшь лил Гaй
Bыдaл тeплyю cтpyю peвизиoнизмa тeбe в poт.
ohh keep pushing. it's bouta get good
>play STALKER (SoC) for first time in 2019
>love it so much I immediately replayed it with mods
man I have been missing out
Stalker is absolutely filled with all the aspects that console shooters introduced to FPS. Let's count them:
-"aim mode" with iron sights, decreased sensitivity and slight zoom because gamepad players sitting far away on a sofa need to be able to see and hit things with a shitty controller
-4 weapon loadout because the only viable weapon selector on a gamepad is the d-pad
-sprint mode because can't have the player moving fast at all times, they might miss something
-corner radar that tells you when enemies are nearby
The STALKER games are good though. Some of the most fun single player games I've played.
>braindead ai
>shit shooting
>dead openworld
Borrowing features from console games isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you don't dumb down the gameplay. Sprint and iron sights are completely fine for what the game is.
Radar is kind of questionable though.
It has pretty good AI when it doesn't break down(like mobs running into anomalies). I'd say it's more or less on the same level as FEAR but with more environments.
are you supposed to mod it? Im stupid when trying to mod stuff
What is a game with good AI?