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Rhodes. Home.

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Literally the worst part of the game


your mother.

Lana Rhoades?

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have some karen milkies

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fuck the hatfields
fuck the mccoys
fuck the greymanes
fuck the battleborn

That's a guy isn't it?

No? She's one of the most popular porn stars currently. Personally I liked her more when she looked more natural.

This place is absolutely disgusting with it's red dirt.

no, but this is

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Anyone else really hate Shady Belle? Not just because you have to walk up the stairs to enter your room and jump off the balcony to get down quickly, but the whole area awakened memories of living in a gross, humid shithole with mosquitoes and vermin everywhere

I hate shady belle because it's the beginning of the end for the gang

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imagine being this gay

When Sean got shot, that's when i knew i was playing kino

Beaver Hollow was just depressing, even on my second playthrough I couldn’t stand being in camp for very long with the silence and emptiness of the place.

>when jack starts looking for the sweet pupperino

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>better acting than all Hollywood movies since its release

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For me, it was the raid on Braithwaite Manor.

will we ever get a game with so many details again? or did rockstar work their employees to hard and it was a one time thing?

This is the end. Remember playing Halo 3 in 2007 and thinking how wild it was that games got so big and how much bigger and grandiose they'd get? Still nothing has topped in in the linear Hollywood style shooter genre.

This is how rdr2 will be seen for the entirety of the 2020s in open world design and Hollywood tier storytelling.

Pretty subtle considering that it's a shitty movie game

how can it be the worst part when the bizarre out of nowhere linear uncharted-esque section exists

>Micah tells him that maybe it went away so it wouldn't have to burden them.

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Valentine > Saint Denis > Rhodes > Blackwater > Strawberry > Van Horn > Armadillo > Annesburg

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>Strawberry that low.
>Blackwater that high especially since this isn't RDR1 Blackwater.
>Rhodes higher than Strawberry.
You also forgot Tumbleweed.


>Valentine first
>Doesn't even post a pictur
You had one job

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lol i wish
look up nikita dragun

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>You also forgot Tumbleweed
>implying I forgot it
Valentine is the heart of the game and you all know it. The best experience meshing the camp mechanics to the nearest town and local lore.

How do I make money fast in the online mode?

>nikita dragun
valentine's saloon is also the comfiest

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