7 days to get comfy

Join our relatively friendly, random gen server that has incredible POI density and decent player progression.

>Zombies are only as difficult as your gamestage number. (which is a combo of days alive and player level)

>Huge map, lots of room to base before optional PVP.

>Large, but not unnecessary amounts of loot keep progression smooth and enjoyable.

Come, be friends or challenge others!

Alpha 19 (B180)
Port: 41301

Attached: Untitled.jpg (2559x1425, 2.09M)


How does optional pvp work?

you have the option of killing anyone you want, but trading is viable too.

>Check the status of 7 Days to Die
>Very Positive Reviews
>Check again a few months later
>Mostly Negative Reviews
>"Devs reworked the entire game and it blows"
>Check back a few months later
>Mostly Negative Reviews
>"Devs are prioritizing realism and the game sucks now"
>Rinse and Repeat
>Still in development
>Crowd funding completed AUGUST 15, 2013 seven years ago
>Its still in Alpha

I will say I've enjoyed myself most times I gave it another whirl, but always gave up early on because I sucked ass. Whats the latest changes? I know they got some new lighting. Not gonna lie OP's screenshot looks like fucking throwup.

I played back in Alpha 17 years ago.
it's enough new stuff to interest me and the bois so we thought we'd try to make our server more popular.
It's a good loot n shoot. zombie AI is good, challenging but rewarding.
I aint tryn to sell you the game, but if you got i'd say its worth the revist, especially the community being a possible factor in our server.

That screenshot looks nothing like the game. They reworked a lot of textures so they don't look like weird orange blobs, backpacks and other loot-ables, they added some new guns and put all of them under skill categories so if you're not using a gun from under your skill tree its like chucking sand at zombies, and past day 14 having some kind of machine gun is 100% necessary. and not just for the horde. I'd honestly just change loot progression, the end game guns are super rare and also useless by the point you find them if you're not putting points into that tree, and even then theres very little reason to carry around a 10 shot sniper rifle or a shotgun that reloads slower than the pump action. The deagle is tight though.

Isnt this just an even less developed version of Rust?

I miss the gore blocks. They were annoying as fuck, but they added something no other game in the genre has. It was busywork to clear, but having piles of dead bodies blocking parts of your base was an interesting and dynamic feature.

Thumbnail looks like a big dude with a shield standing on a cliff overlooking a fortress he's about to attack and would be a way better game.

we had someone join who claimed to be a veteran rust player, he ended up leaving because he kept dying.
I'd say that it's different enough to be a new learning curve.

Made for fun as well
>playan FFA pvp with 3 friends
>friend found concrete recipe early on and made a shit-tower out of pure concrete
>no way in
>yoink some screamers to his tower
>kite zombies over his spikes
>gore blocks start building up and I can walk up to his hatch
fun times.

That's my base, feel free to fucking try taking it over I dare you.

I was thinking of buying this game for some time but I don't generally like similar games. I liked The Forest the most out of anything but played like two hours. I like the premise of this one with the 7 days thing.

I saw there was a huge update recently that overwrote a lot of old stuff. As someone on the edge of buying, can you convince me?

I wish there was a way to prevent zombie-progression. At some point it's just no longer fun to have to defend against 80% rad-zombies.
Another thing is also how performance TANKS on horde-night, good luck sniping them demolishers.

Well, i'm in the same boat as you.
i've tried similar games to no avail and i'd say it's worth the sheckles. (on cdkeys.com it's 17.99$ CAD)
it's mostly a base defence game on one day, and exploring/looting on the others.
They have dozens of POI's (point of interest)
and are all puzzle like in nature. when you get to the end you collect the loot, and with destruction physics, it gets very interesting.

there's work arounds. the game stage is based on days alive plus levels. you could very easily reroll a character to reset the difficulty and just recollect your items.

is multiplayer worth trying to play? i played this a good 50 hours when it was still only a couple years old, so its nothing like how i remember it from the videos i skimmed. not really interested in single player though get kind of bored

>optional PVP.

as this is killing my interest. I was initially excited to see a server but if i wanted anything to do with PVP i would play another game. Im not a kid or teen and i dont have all day to build shit for other people to destroy

turn pvp off if you want to make people buy game

Yeah nah, that's retarded.

multiplayer is definitely the games best aspect. you can ally, trade, betray, destroy anyone you want. the game is kinda dry single player because the endgame is basically creative mode. having to worry about your base being raided or being stabbed to death with a lvl 2 bone knife is much more entertaining imo

if you put a land claim block and turrets to defend your base, you dont have to worry about scrubs.
the people here are friendly and if someone's getting griefed it's not hard to make friends who'll help.

basically, if you're a fuck head you're not gunna last long. but if you're friendly than it's very easy to prosper because of it.

I'm not trying to sell you the game.
I'm trying to sell you the server, which is run by adults with no patience for griefers or cheaters.
We offer a community with the option of fighting.
taking someones base can be incredibly difficult. it's usually not worth it, however, we left it optional because it's a more realistic experience. it's a horror game. you should have to worry about people as much as you worry about zombies.

okay can you buy me a copy of the game then

see what i did there

buy it on steam, if you dont like it, refund it. EZ

no one cares about you carebear faggots, go play final fantasy or something


im considering buying the game add me on steamcommunity.com/id/swayzesghost if youre an admin/player whatever so i can get the ip from you.

7 years to scam

If you're gonna buy it, play with friends; it is very comfy, although occasionally stressful having 3-4 people trying to make massive structures and bases.
Honestly, the biggest changes I have noticed is that health/stamina don't slowly lose their max any more, junk turrets now fall under a bigger category of robotics, loot scales over time so nearly every looted gun in the first week is a fucking blunderbuss and the zombies look nicer, at least compared to Alpha 18.