>1 week to go
SS4 thread
1 week to go
Will there be a single health capsule in the middle of an open field?
Didn't really care for SS3, maybe just not my type of game. Devs are pretty based though
Already confirmed that there will be troll-traps.
>vehicle combat
>open world ''quests''
idk senpai
>1 week to go
>barely any footage
S+MB1: The Game
I sleep
this franchise is retarded
My 980 probably won't play it well :(
I do hope that the game does return to form with some sillier and colorful aspects. Like, BFE can be fun at times, but the attitude and general art direction of the game takes me out when I'm not shooting shit to death.
There isn't that much to really talk about but I am excited.
I wish Croteam was a bit more loose lipped on this but I'm surprised at how well they're being quiet.
Yes, just show more than 1 minute of gameplay, please.
because it sucks and if they show more footage people will cancel their preorders
>8gb vram
I'm curious to how extensive that is compared to other recent releases. I don't really play modern PC games but that seems like a fair bit to ask for despite how average the game looks.
How come there hasnt been any unedited gameplay footage? I also havent seen any real level design
All the footage and interviews were from January/February, made by an external marketing company and for some reason they never bothered to show any updated stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Corona-related.
>no multiplayer
no thanks
8gb is pretty typical for minimum requirments these days
how many people play SS deathmatch? it wasn't a priority
Whelp thats on them. They need to post something to win back my interest after the shitshow that was SS3. I also havent seen a single fucking new weapon.
>I also havent seen a single fucking new weapon.
You really should pay attention.
I think the gimmick with the weapons is that they have an alt-fire, which is a scrapped idea going back way before Serious Sam 1 apparently.
So far I can recall that the Laser can shoot a stronger single beam and the Rocket can shoot four rockets at once.
Also being able to dual-wield everything.
>8gb is pretty typical for minimum requirments these days
okay buddy what planet are you living on?
It has nothing to do with that, they're keeping quiet on purpose because of some dumbfuck reason they've stuck with for years. It doesn't take a team to make a gameplay video or post a few screenshots. Even the monkeys playing in early access right now seem to be under an NDA, and they're mostly loudmouths.
Fuck really? I guess it's a carry over thing from the VR Fusion and that VR game.
Show me one fucking screenshot that isnt a big empty outdoor environment. Go ahead. At least TFE had like shape to its open areas.
literal cocksucker with a plebbit image
Eh. I think I'll probably wait for it to be $10 like I did with 3. I doubt it'll be great so it likely won't be long before that happens.