>Huge expansive lore and universe
>Protag changes and has different personailties
>Loads of villians to choose from
>Arch nemesis also changes self often
>Loads of companions
>Matt smith is the best doc
Why are there no good Doctor Who games?
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No violence
It'd be a shitty visual novel / walking sim / puzzle game
Fans prefer books
Pushing the franchise into a dirt and shitting all over the established lore will do that to a series
The recent VR game got some good reviews.
Utter fag shit. How do you not cringe watching that? Genuine question.
Doctor Who as a franchise has had about 3 good writers in 15 years and none of them have decided to waste their time making less money on games.
If they did, a Dr Who Telltale game would be good.
Because it doesn't really lend itself to a Rooty-Tooty Point'n'Shooty. It's very cerebral and requires a lot of puzzle solving, which today's gamer just has no patience for.
The only way a Doctor Who game could succeed is if it was a Battlefront-esque game with the different alien factions fighting amongst each other. No Doctor whatsover, just Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Silurians, Autons, Ice Warriors, Mechanoids, etc etc etc.
>Matt smith is the best doc
Because of people like you
Matt is fucking as bad as Jodie
No interest.
Doctor Who has been a laughing stock here in the UK since ~2011. It was massive with Eccleston and Tennant since then.
No foreign developers would have any interest.
people who love shitty sci fi lore already have marvel
Literally wrong. You're both just fat fucking zoomers with no life. Matt Smith is considered to be the best Dr and the show only became shit in Capaldis second season.
Tom Baker and David Tennant are considered the best Doctors by most people. It's telling that after Smith's fangirls grew up that nobody really talks about him anymore. Even Capaldi gets more discussion now online.
Only by boomers. Everyone else prefers Matt. and Capaldi only still gets discussed because he was a controversial pick and lesbo women shill him constantly.
wait, you're not joking? What a retarded faggot.
Cope, autist.
He's literally teh Penguin of D00m: The doctor
the show was always shit user, and I say this as a massive fan
>You're both just fat fucking zoomers with no life
>Only by boomers.
>Everyone else prefers Matt.
That's a pretty small "everyone". And everyone I've talked to prefer Tennant and stopped watching it when Matt entered the scene.
Your opinion is trash and so are you, stay mad seethe cope dilate etc
Heaven Sent and some clara episodes are the only reasons why people still remember capaldi.
Which is sad because he's a true fan and a good actor.
David tennant was a great actor but the writing was shit for him. Matt had better acting and worked with it much better. Matt is the best Dr. Cope.
A great actor is able to carry not brilliant writing. Like both Tennant and Capaldi. Whereas the only acting Matt could do was le wacky fez man and old man in a young man's body.
He certainly is Doctor Cope lol
>open world meme
>custom character creator so you can be the Nth doctor
>customize your build with retardis and screwdriver
>multiplayer because "timey wimey LMAO XD"
meh, could be interesting
what would even be the gameplay anyways
The show is shit but there are usually some fun high quality episodes in between that somewhat make it worth it. At least until Capaldi took over... Not his fault since he's a fantastic actor and good casting though.
No, my point is David couldn't carry it and neither could Capaldi. I have been rewatching them all recently and a lot of Davids episodes are extremely boring and skippable.
>Whereas the only acting Matt could do was le wacky fez man and old man in a young man's body
Oh, well now I know you just didn't watch past his first episode. Thanks for letting me know
>started watching the first episode with Tennant
>stopped watching the last episode with Tennant
Luckily that time frame just spanned the age when you'd actually like Dr Who for me, so it was a perfect time to stop
alright Matt, calm down. We all know you're jealous of David.
Doctor who revival is all written like a gay soap opera because of the staff they hired. None of it is worth a damn and the Tennant is undeniably the most memorable modern doctor. In terms of best he's not even close because no one in charge of doctor who understands what it's supposed to be any more (see gay drama). Doctor who's revival was popular for Ecelstones run, then Tennant got super popular and it started to decline after the Master and sound of drums. Matt Smith is where most people moved on, Capaldi is where only the die hards from Tumblr were left and now the roastie even killed those off.
Best doctor will always be Colin Baker.
Only ever watched nu-Who from Eccleston all the way through Tennant, dropped when Matt came out as well.
Say I wanted to give classic Who a try, where should I start?
Start with 3.
Man, that was a regretful couple of years where I got everyone I knew into Doctor Who.
Either An Unearthly Child or Spearhead from Space.
The first is the very beginning, but you'll have to navigate missing episodes and slow storylines
The second is the first colour episode, and more similar to modern who (ie more action oriented than previously, a little faster)
Who gives a shit about Dr.Who?
We've got Coronation Street: Mystery of the missing hotpot recipe.
What more could you want?
I'd play a Doctor Who adventure game. A lot of the show is really about investigating and solving mysteries, at least when done properly, and that lends well to adventure games. I wish they'd jumped on it in the heyday of Telltale.
Matt Smith's first season was the peak of popularity in the US, at least. Then season 6 fell apart in the second half, season 7 was an incoherent mess, Clara was an awful companion, and people started to see Moffat for the kind of writer he is. All flash, no substance. Personally I stuck with it through the end of Smith's run out of some sense of obligation, but I only ever rewatch S1-4 and very occasionally 5.
>>Matt smith is the best doc
You're absolutely correct