Daily and obligatory Where The Fuck Is It thread

Daily and obligatory Where The Fuck Is It thread

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>PARTNER mini direct soon
>probably no smash news
might as well kill myself now

Nintendo's groundbreaking announcements can show up anywhere, anytime.
But more often, they don't.
Perfect way to maximize disappointment.

End of the month, along with the amiibo wave.
Just wait a little more, bros.

I expect no less than 4 reveals at tomorrow’s partner showcase

DLC should have never been for Smash Brothers

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>amiibo wave released
>sakurai shows off the joker and hero amiibos
>just what we could already do, except joker and hero
>"Actually, there's one more thing I want to show you..."
>banjo and terry amiibos

Who the fuck is Itsuki
There goes your "likely". Fag.

Next week isn't likely either cause any news would get drowned by TGS. Next week is also when the amiibos come out in Japan so that argument looks shoddy as well.

>Most wanted 1st party character is actually in
>she was first
>fun to play
Feels good, they can take as long as they want

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He’s Fire Emblem, he’s got more of a chance than most.

The "not Fire Emblem" Fire Emblem character.

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As annoying as this drip feed news cycle has been, I'd love to see Amiibo theory eat shit. There's this one annoying faggot I know who constantly posts predictions based off of batshitly complex math formulas he's devised just to plot possible Smash reveals relative to Amiibo waves. If it gets his nuthouse ass to shut right the fuck up then I'd be happy.

They can always shill the joker and hero amiibos whenever they release seven, they don't have to shill them before release since they'll still be out afterwards.

Who cares? None of you goobers actually play the game anyway

>Next week is also when the amiibos come out in Japan so that argument looks shoddy as well.
But they don't come out in the west till October.
In any case, there have been Fighter announcements just days after an Amiibo wave release.

>I'd love to see Amiibo theory eat shit.
Why? Amiibo "theory" is just common sense. They always show off new amiibos at the Sakurai presentations so it stands to reason they'd want to do those videos close to the latest amiibo release to keep a steady schedule.
I agree the charts and formulas are unnecessary.

They are "likely" gonna use all the spots to push sales for ports or new games.

Maybe add Waluigi hopefuly after he became the new Ridley meme.


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Enter Chadelta

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This. I am certainly not playing it right now

Never gonna happen
They’re not going to take out an assist trophy and make them a character in the same game

Prostrate, puppet

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completely unreasonable suggestions

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Joker and Hero shouldn’t have even been in the game in the first place. They’re both shill picks, Hero was a bitch to get in with how Square Enix is and Joker doesn’t even have a game on the Switch besides some spinoff game nobody gives a shit about.

>Joker is a shill pick for another system
>Dragon Quest is a shill pick

>Joker and Hero shouldn’t have even been in the game in the first place. They’re both shill picks, Hero was a bitch to get in with how Square Enix is and Joker doesn’t even have a game on the Switch besides some spinoff game nobody gives a shit about.

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Why do you care? You know it won't be anyone good. The last 3 characters have been nobodies that no one wanted. They're out of good characters to add. Anyone worthwhile is already in the game at this point. Are you really that excited for Cinderace?

Joke's on you, I really like Min Min and Terry

I mean how aren’t they? Joker was just an attempt to get that garbage waifu Simulator Purseowner 5 onto the Switch and Hero was put in to shill for the Most recent Dragon Quest game, even if they put in heros from other games.
What are you implying?

These bad boys drop next week so obviously there will be a Presentation where Sakurai will reveal the next wave as well as the next character.

Thanks Amiibo!

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