based twitch!
Based twitch!
I want the chick on the right to crush me with her big clod stomper feet until I die.
if you like asian women you are of inferior genetic stock because you are copulating with something that is essentially on a lower evolutionary rung
seethin white """woman"""
is this a porn casting?
don't care still jerking off to javs
Nice thread
Imagine thinking these insects look attractive, the only okayish one is the right on sitting in the middle coach, she has a good body, ugly af face tho.
Don't care. Still writing in Jesse Ventura.
ok dad can i feel panyhose feet on my face now you fat boomer
good thread
>Spouting bullshit about genetics for no reason
cope white boy
absolutely seething that they've been ousted as genetic rejects
seething white woman
asians have higher average IQ than whitoids, if anything we are improving the white race
>white boy
It's a self hating Asian man.
Why do asian girls have to fuck their own faces up with surgery just to pass while whites are naturally attractive then?
Brainlessly repeating and "grinding" at school doesn't mean that you're smarter, Change. Quite the opposite in fact.
this is funny coming from someone who's likely never been intimate with another human being
>asians have higher average IQ than whitoids, if anything we are improving the white race
>seething white woman
>cope white boy
>don't care still jerking off to javs
What is this about, exactly? Mannequin comes alive and shags him or something?
Trump is a retard, he could not even defend Kyle the lowest hanging fruit ever. But in his speeches he makes sure to suck the dicks of Isreal and "African americans"
ask your mom, faggot
IT'S ON TWITCH AND THE PICTURE SAYS JUST DANCE 2020!! Do you need me to wipe your ass too you god damn retard?
Imagine being trapped in that stuffy room with all of their sweaty stinky feets!
Based Trump
Only flip women look like that
OLs make my dick diamonds
ZionDon is a saviour only for retards and shills
he was always a kike puppet
They also have a higher drop off at the end of the IQ distribution. Meaning that they produce less geniuses than whites.
Same as women, when you look at it
left can't meme
So they fired Doc for this, not bad
still voting trump libtard
private gentlemen's club for pantyhose fetishists
Such a shit fetish
The correlation between very high IQ and genius is nonexistent anyway. Empyrical studies shows that IQ is a very asymmetrical metric, meaning low IQ correlates very highly with being a useless retard but high IQ correlates very little with competence.
seething white roastie
9/10 asian girl >>> 5/10 white girl
>left can't meme
99% plastic, she had to go through a lot of surgery to not look like typical asian fish face
Now post her without makeup.
seething burger roastie
op really made you seethe, huh
My just chatting section looks exactly like mfc without the dildos
this but unironically
all these women are having some kind of seizure induced back spazm and this sperg decides to just record them instead of call 911 for help, god americans are so weird
God that's beautiful
I know I'm arguing with an underage horny teenager
Her whole face is plastic, european nose, jawline, cheeks, + she is a gym rat
You can easily take a 0815 european girl who hits the gym regularly and looks like that
But you know you will never have a chance for them so you watch some ugly streams simping
Bullied subhuman
God I love the pure rage white women feel when they see asians