I love vidya girls
I love vidya girls
Spazkid’s art is genuine dogshit.
Why is Cory so horny all the time?
That's not a girl.
if your gonna post trap shit you could at least post something decent.
you gonna post more of that cloud or what
He cute!
I felt nothing for Cloud in the original game, at best I found the crossdressing scene funny, but with the remake I cant stop looking at him and how hot he is, fucking sony faggots gave me the gay.
I agree.
How could they do this to us, bro? The game fucked me up the point that I think he's hot even without the crossdressing.
panties don't even look right to me anymore unless there's a bulge in them, years of conditioning starting with Bridget over a decade ago
why are cute vidya boys the best?
I don't see you posting Cloud trap, faggot
the appeal of having a superior man brain + being cute
>tfw no femboy friend
you are making a bad workday into a good one
How big and saggy are Cloud's balls?
we can all dream, user
who's excited for the new smt?
Anyone else forced to be the practice girl in school or was it just me?
Does Mountain Dew actually improve gamer performance levels?
greentext time?
yes, but only if you get it from a femboys lips
>tfw had femboy friend but one day they stopped talking and went on to become trans