I love vidya girls

I love vidya girls

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Spazkid’s art is genuine dogshit.

Why is Cory so horny all the time?

That's not a girl.

if your gonna post trap shit you could at least post something decent.

you gonna post more of that cloud or what

He cute!

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I felt nothing for Cloud in the original game, at best I found the crossdressing scene funny, but with the remake I cant stop looking at him and how hot he is, fucking sony faggots gave me the gay.

I agree.

How could they do this to us, bro? The game fucked me up the point that I think he's hot even without the crossdressing.

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panties don't even look right to me anymore unless there's a bulge in them, years of conditioning starting with Bridget over a decade ago

why are cute vidya boys the best?

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I don't see you posting Cloud trap, faggot

the appeal of having a superior man brain + being cute

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>tfw no femboy friend

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you are making a bad workday into a good one

How big and saggy are Cloud's balls?

we can all dream, user

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who's excited for the new smt?

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Anyone else forced to be the practice girl in school or was it just me?

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Does Mountain Dew actually improve gamer performance levels?

greentext time?

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yes, but only if you get it from a femboys lips

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>tfw had femboy friend but one day they stopped talking and went on to become trans

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