I like it a lot
I like it a lot
I absolutely love it.
Got it late last fall, and already got 750 hours.
Meanwhile, I got barely 500h clocked into KF2 since 2015, and got no interests of touching it again.
Can't wait for the promised Biome + main mission type update that should drop in a few weeks.
it was very fun for a few hours then it just got repetitive, honestly the setting is pretty fucking boring, if they did fantasy medieval type setting with creatures instead of generic looking bugs it would have been much better.
i bought it like 4 days ago, and its fucking great, Any advise to make a "doom" Kinda shotgun build? There is something like that? Also Rock 'n' Stone and dont leave your plataformer engi behind u fucking scout.
it's a cool fun game with friends. cosmetics are pretty shit though, and the colourful art style means you can't tell what people are marking 50% of the time. Also I really hate the dwarfs walking towards the camera end screen, looks so weird and out of place, maybe it's the way they walk, idk. Like a fashion show walkway or something
reddit and shill, to the bone
Ya mean Scout's boomstick?
I just go with damage boosts + blastwave + incendiary rounds. Blows away pile of foes in front of you, eats through armor and obstacles up close, and sets shit on fire.
well, fuck you then.
so do I.
I understand you, actually I feel the same.
Though KF2 is a good game with exceptionally good and satisfying shooting model, I've never met such thing in any game.
>Ya mean Scout's boomstick?
obviously not, since he is berating scouts from the side of engineers.
I am a Man of thights then Shotguns, so yeah both work,
and the scout leaving for the drop pod leaving the guy with turret to run and defend himself while running w/o any rope to build his path its a recurrent thing in my runs so, dont be that asshole bros.
Scout's mission is to survive.
If your team lacks a driller and you need to climb up a fuck-huge wall to the pod, you've done goofed in two ways already:
1) by not making sure you got a way up before calling the pod, and
2) not just going as far back UP before calling the pod.
Where can I buy this game for cheap?
Any information on what the 2 new gamemodes are?
I hate swarmers
My dad works at Ghost Ship Games so I can spoil it to you.
The new game modes are
I know it's expected, but one thing I love about this game is that none of the classes are worthless and it's genuinely a good idea to have all of them in a group and when one of them is missing you can really feel it.
So did I, but it got boring very quickly once everyone was promoted with best spec gear
Go back to r*ddit
The driller feels really hit-and-miss depending on the game mode and map. The value of being able to create shortcuts with rapid tunnelling really depends on the RNG and how the map is laid out.
make me
If there's no driller, or if somehow he's ran out of fuel for the drills, the whole group should stick together, unless shit has seriously hit the fan and you might be in serious risk of not making it back.
In that case, it's the scout's job to get the fuck out as quick as possible to save the mission if everyone else dies.
I bought this game 2 days ago with a friend and we're having a blast. We're at level 6. Is it beatable with 2-man parties or will we have to look for randoms eventually?
The game balances around how many players there are, but unless you want to play Scout/Engie for eternity, you'll need to do full runs eventually
His niche in combat isnt quite covered by autocannon or sentry gun even if they both do clean up groups of trash.
Driller has the best uptime and ammo efficiency for that which let's gunner focus more on dps and engineer not need to be holed up with a prepped gun at all hours.
I grab that shit and shove it right into molly every time
not enough
What would you say the tier list for the classes would be like?
We're doing Driller/Engineer
Game is actually good with randoms. Unless you're playing with complete greenies, having a full party is almost always better than not.
>Can't wait for the promised Biome + main mission type update that should drop in a few weeks.
Just gonna point out that next update is 2 mission types+cosmetics, the 2 new biomes are coming Q4.
m1000 consuming 2 shots had me thinking my mouse was broken, gg my electro blowthrough rounds build but you feel like trash to use now
what's a good build for the EPC? I see lots of drillers use them to explode minerals to collect them but I can never seem to build it correctly.