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>looks like boring and generic western medieval RPG I've played 100 times before
Yeah, not hyped. At all.
Uuuh... why does everything about it look like a Dragon Age game rather than a FF?
Because they didn't make a jrpg, they made a wrpg
Looks like yoshi-p played too much witcher and kingdom come.
im ok with that
is that fuggin' Alphinaud
Final Fantasy will go full Epic btw
genuinely looks low budget and clearly running on the shitty XV engine
It doesn't even look like a rpg in general
>japanese games get more and more westernized
I don't like this trend.
If you spent millions building a new engine you'd just not use it for the next few games out of spite?
yep gonna play this witcher bootleg, but still waitin for versus 15
It's on crystals tools
>HW lead writer
It should be good and genocide kino
I'm assuming from how it was presented that this won't be a 1-2 year exclusive, but rather hit PS5 and PC day 1?
If that's the case I'll be happy.
So whos composing the music for this one, i hope its Soken
you know well its going get delayed for decade
Looks absolutely awful, no soul whatsoever, same shitty Chinese mobile game combat system, Western fantasy garbage. All the magic is gone from games these days.
FFXIV staff will get me in, but the trailer said nothin to me
It doesnt feel like something new (maybe cause I played FFXIV recently).
>directed by the Last Remnant director
oh shit I thought it had that sort of vibe
>muh gore
>generic dark and gritty
>generic low fantasy fantasy setting
>generic brown color palette
>graphics look like shit
>Fujo pandering
It's nice they're doing something different for the series I guess but jesus, I'm not impressed. The story and world building/navigation will make or break the game, hopefully it delivers on that front. For a story so heavily leaning on summons please stop ignoring my boy Alexander.
I'm glad it has Dragon's Dogma gameplay.
I hope it's Shimomura, god she tried so hard to carry XV
Looks too XV for my taste.
HW wasn't that good, Shadowbringers was much better.
>ff14 graphics
I... couldn't have worded it better. When we say we wanted fantasy back, we meant it in a FFIX way of making lively and lovely fantasy worlds. Guess I'll stick with Xenoblades, at least they never disappointed me with their worlds, they make me feel like I'm in a jrpg, on a adventure, discovering the world, its secrets and inhabitants.
SE needed this FF as an experiment to see what sticks with players, to keep creating cheaper FF instead of repeating FFXV with their budget.
it was good enough to justify looking forward to the story for XVI
>Singlehandedly saving Square Enix for years now
Why do they still wank to Nomura again?
Awful art design, btw
Color palette seems off, and environment seems pretty boring.
It can have the best narrative ever, but It looks ugly.
Eh. The best thing about Heavensward was the art direction, music and atmosphere, and it's clear they're not interested in replicating that with this game.
Looks like a game from 2010.
>Looks good
>Sounds good
>Makes FF9niggers seethe.
and that's a good thing!
Luminous was god tier, you can tell they arent using since XV still looks better.
FF16 is going to be the new 12. Shit on and forgotten but then loved years later. I loved 12 right from the start.
The absolute state of nu square and the gameplay bits who look just like playing Noctis...
Am I the only one that think it looks ok? This is probably as close as we'll ever get to an snes style FF on a modern console.
>Doesn't say "Also on PC" like every other Ps5 game
Not on PC.
Shadowbringers is a copy of a FF11 expansion, almost point for point
I was excited at the start because aesthetically it looked more like a WRPG (i.e, it had taste). Then it started to look more and more like anime shit by the end...
My eyes rolled back so far when they showed the copy paste XV combat.
It did though.
Which team is behind this one? Thiis may or may not give me some hope
This looks so fucking bad
Do we literally only have one party member and it's gonna play like a worse dmc?
Am I the only one who really liked the trailer? FF1 till 6 all had this medieval setting and I always loved this way more than buster swords and and other jrpg cringe.
Story sounds interesting for once, but Square Enix did not show anything that made me feel confident the game will be fun to play, which isn't a shocker at all considering their track record with action combat.
you're used to the jpop band in futuristic magitech setting they've gone with for the last three mainline games
the protag literally looks like the WoD
thats my guess
Point to where it says it
Uncucked and canon trailer coming through
There's nothing wrong with traditional fantasy but it just looks generic as fuck
Everything's grey and brown, there's no soul.
>FF1 till 6 all had this medieval setting and I always loved this way more than buster swords and and other jrpg cringe.
There's no excuse for a regional capital city in a Final Fantasy game looking like Winterfell. There just isn't. Compare with Vector from FF6.
Worse DMC means better combat than 80% videogames in general. I'll fucking take it.