That was dreadful.

Attached: JvQn9oa.jpg (1920x1200, 287.31K)

didnt seem realtime, too stiff.

Did counters do that lift and slam thing in the original des? It's been way too long since I played it. Maybe I'm too accustomed to dark souls but that just seemed weird.
I also hated the grunts when the knight swung, it was horrible.

Souls is supposed to be clunky and slow retard. Go back to fortnite

Its a vertical slice you stupid fucks

Attached: 1562639763108.png (239x250, 41.61K)

That art direction was trash.

Yeah it looked really generic and bland

Cause it is ripped from a PS3 game
PS3 games all were stiff

The camera angle is really, really close to the character. Everything died in one hit and the player seemed to have infinite stamina but hopefully that's just because they wanted to quickly show the whole tutorial area.

I thought visually it looked amazing, even if not exactly fitting for the decrepit and 'so-old-even-vegetation-died' world of boletaria.
I want to see the hud, cause that 'you died' was some MS paint tier shit.

I hate the new sound effects
>that soul absorption

Attached: lloyds talisman.gif (315x287, 1.81M)

This. Graphics will most likely get downgraded but at least the overall art style looked good.

they did that too when demoing the original ps3 version

Pure cinematic, not real, just think how the multiplayer would be...a shitshow indeed.


it looked like god of war. like actually whats up with the locked over the shoulder camera? are we only playing as the starter knight with no other gear?

Boletaria is 'kingdom just fell so vegetation hasn't grown yet'.

It was stated at the start it was ran on a PC so it will definitely be downgraded.


it looked great. nostalgia fags needs to be gassed

saved me 400 smackeroonies, thanks Blupoint

>i-i-its not finished
every time

Love it when people who haven't played the game chime in.

Its a Sony Japan production lol.

Good luck.

Bluepoint are so fucking awful that I want them to start making their own games so that they stop ruining japanese classics. God what a hack studio.

Attached: 1583962956352.gif (200x234, 2.85M)

You can literally emulate it in 4k 144fps on PC right now bitch boy. You're going to pay $560 for a 10 year old game though. Talk about getting cucked

Why did they change the "You Died" font

Quick someone analyze the Nexus to see if the broken archstone is still broken

I'll never forgive them for what they did to SOTC sure it looks good but god..



>Did counters do that lift and slam thing in the original des?
No. The enemy would be pushed on the ground with you stabbing them.

it was, in the pan around.
You're expecting way too much, they didn't add anything new in the sotc remake and they got basically full creative control to add or remove at their leisure, INCLUDING unseen concept art.

>shitty GoW style fixed over the shoulder camera
Fuck them. Fuck them so hard. This was the only PS5 game I was interested in. I'm not buying one now.

>ruins sotc
>wtf why this looks bad


I have a high end PC, VR, good luck emulating a game that isnt out, or a console that isnt, retard.

The difference is I like to play games instead of waiting for a shitty emulator. Imagine paying $700 for a GPU alone and thinking a fucking console is expensive.

>they made Demon Souls cinematic
Fuck Sony and fuck the PS5

i played the original. nostalgiafags needs to grow up and understand that not everything stays the same

>like actually whats up with the locked over the shoulder camera?
it clearly wasn't though
yeah it looked like it's made by people who fundamentally misunderstood the original but the camera isn't locked

Are you retarded? Seriously.

Unironically soulless

Are you blind? No, a roll towards the camera doesn't mean it isn't locked. Look how it fucking tracks.

>After he teleported from the garden to inside the castle
>Hey is that area that get framedrops all the time...good thing its on the ps5
>STILL get framerate drops

i keked

Looks like a reskin of Skyrom DESU.

they're keeping true to the original experience.

Bro, Demon Souls is out and it's been out for over a decade. What are you on?

>at least the overall art style looked good.
Except that it doesn't.
Look at the fucking fluted armor, user, how can you say this is decent?

Attached: kit1gp4ilm451.jpg (2208x1552, 260.12K)

>he doesn't know about the Demon Souls 4k 144fps emulator