How.... How did bluepoint fucked up even the goddamn YOU DIED TITLE?????????????????????????????????????????? THE FUCK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Demon's Souls Remake Absolute Garbage
Who fucking cares it’s text
Based bluepoint making the trannys seethe about a fucking fony and small animation, TOP FUCKING KEK
I mean
>American remake of a japanese game
Did you expect anything else?
Americans have no sense of aesthetics. They literally cannot tell the difference between those fonts.
Everything about the Demon's Souls remake is a mistake.
It's basically like one of those Unreal fan remakes except done by an actual studio.
>game is not on pc cuz little mistake
God, how do you fuck up something as simple as that?
Am I the only one who thought the animations looked like absolute horseshit?
It kinda looks like a placeholder but probably they're gonna change it soon, also that vivid red colour doesn't really fit the theme.
Like a switch being flipped now that it's not on PC.
except they aren't an actual studio, it's a collection of paid numales.
Well for being "a collection of paid numales" they sure get a ton of work on huge projects.
The point is, they're clearly very competent from a raw technical perspective, they just don't understand the nuances of game design.
From now on I'm going to refer to the remake as Demon's Soulless and no-one can stop me
>The point is, they're clearly very competent from a raw technical perspective
They aren't though. They aren't even on the level of the NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN from youtube.
rent free
cope harder, pctard
The same numales that made SotC into a bright and colourful shitheap right?
not defending that font but it appears that it was added on top of the original source video
Dark Souls 1 is still one of my favourite games and the other 2 are close and I was looking foward to playing Demons Souls but fuck. It doesn't look like a Fromsoftware game at all
What the fuck Bluepoint
it appears they fixed the fluted armor
i doubt the you died text will look that bad in the final game
>it appears they fixed the fluted armor
No it doesn't.
If it doesn't say "What a superb demon" when you invade successfully I'm not buying it
Doesn't look like they fixed anything
>lowercase u
its clearly the incels seething