Demon's Souls Remake Absolute Garbage

How.... How did bluepoint fucked up even the goddamn YOU DIED TITLE?????????????????????????????????????????? THE FUCK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Who fucking cares it’s text

Based bluepoint making the trannys seethe about a fucking fony and small animation, TOP FUCKING KEK

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I mean

>American remake of a japanese game
Did you expect anything else?

Americans have no sense of aesthetics. They literally cannot tell the difference between those fonts.

Everything about the Demon's Souls remake is a mistake.
It's basically like one of those Unreal fan remakes except done by an actual studio.

>game is not on pc cuz little mistake


God, how do you fuck up something as simple as that?

Am I the only one who thought the animations looked like absolute horseshit?

It kinda looks like a placeholder but probably they're gonna change it soon, also that vivid red colour doesn't really fit the theme.

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Like a switch being flipped now that it's not on PC.

except they aren't an actual studio, it's a collection of paid numales.

Well for being "a collection of paid numales" they sure get a ton of work on huge projects.
The point is, they're clearly very competent from a raw technical perspective, they just don't understand the nuances of game design.

From now on I'm going to refer to the remake as Demon's Soulless and no-one can stop me


>The point is, they're clearly very competent from a raw technical perspective
They aren't though. They aren't even on the level of the NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN from youtube.


rent free

cope harder, pctard

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The same numales that made SotC into a bright and colourful shitheap right?


not defending that font but it appears that it was added on top of the original source video


Dark Souls 1 is still one of my favourite games and the other 2 are close and I was looking foward to playing Demons Souls but fuck. It doesn't look like a Fromsoftware game at all
What the fuck Bluepoint

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it appears they fixed the fluted armor

i doubt the you died text will look that bad in the final game

>it appears they fixed the fluted armor
No it doesn't.

If it doesn't say "What a superb demon" when you invade successfully I'm not buying it

Doesn't look like they fixed anything

>lowercase u

its clearly the incels seething

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