Is it an MMO? If not then idc.
i want to erp with slytherin sluts
More likely to be like destiny than a mmo
>no Merula
It's not a fucking MMO it's a solo RPG open world adventure
its on the just cause/mad max engine it will be great and is likely not online at all
dont you know who avalanche are?
Any game that gives money to TERFs is already shit.
thank god, it has a sliver of a chance of being actually good then
then pirate it dumbo
She's even a TERF. Her radical view is that trans women and cis women have different lived experiences. To say they don't is to erase one or the other.
Triggered tranny.
This game really needs to get canceled. Between Rowling being a TERF and the fact that most adult male HP "fans" are just pedophiles there's literally nothing good that can come of this.
NOT* even a TERF
Trannies are already on suicide watch so it’s a net positive experience on that alone
It needs:
>not open world but in pieces like arkham asylum for example.
>no in your face LGBT&SJW bullshit to stick a middle finger to "karen" rowling.
p i r a t e i t
letting women have opinions on things was a huge mistake, they're cultural relativists who will go with anything and always support unnatural shit like fags and trans kids
It's on PC. There'll be mods. Very lewd mods.
There are no "trans women", there are only mentally ill men who larp as women
There will be another slytherin tsundere for you to drool over you faithless heathen
that won't help the developers.
Bad bait
All trannies must fucking hang
So is it basically Elder Scrolls:Harry Potter?
>lived experiences
As opposed to what, unlived experiences?
she's absolutely a terf
reminder that the last two letters of terf stand for "radical feminist"
her opinions on trannies don't make her "based"
>JK Rowling calls out trannies as being mentally ill and says that they aren't real women (or men) and to stop pretending
>Tranny Potter fans seethe
Sounds pretty based to me.
literally nothing in the trailer looks like an elder scrolls game
Oh, boring, nevermind then. I didnt want an MMO but some singleplayer "let's make up a convoluted story for the 1800s" sounds like a yawn fest, I just want to to shoot magic at my friends.
>ctrl+f flipendo
>1 result found.
It's leftist speak. It means you can't criticize certain groups of people because you haven't lived their lives
Where the fuck did it say any of that? Quit talking out your ass retard.
Hmm do I hate women more than I hate trannies? Good question.
Why would trans people even exist in the harry potter universe? They could just use magic to fix them right?
Some of the ps1/ps2 Harry Potter games were pretty kino. Would be pretty happy to play this if its good, but I'm definitely not buying on full price.
Stop supporting JK rowlink
Reminder that the first two are "trans exclusionary." She acknowledges trans people, and is even sympathetic to their struggles. Her "radical" stance is that trans struggles aren't the same as cis struggles. That's it.
Have sex.
I don't consider her radical. Her views on feminism are fine, especially considering she's had a husband who beat her in the past.
Kek they could just use polyjuice potion
Care to post her actual position, instead of people reacting to the misrepresentation of her position?
It's Gaas
Would you buy the game to own the trannies?
>Harry potter
>niggers everywhere
>probably trannies too
>please be good
Lmao, I can't wait for release, I love to see how much money some retards can spend for shit.
>the media reporting on shit she didn't say is causing actual real world consequences
>better blame her and not the media though