Releasing at the worst possible time when the player base is split between two gens and FIVE platforms

>releasing at the worst possible time when the player base is split between two gens and FIVE platforms
>current gen game, won't take advantage of PS5/X/PCs other than the basics, running at 60fps instead of 30fps, higher screen & texture res.
>been in development too long for the current gen (since 2nd DaS3 DLC) to just scrap it and move properly to next gen

Elden Ring won't be anything other than a disappointment, DaS2 all over again

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You are a disappointment OP.

Elden Ring will be a success if its half as good as DS2.

>current gen game, won't take advantage of PS5/X/PCs other than the basics, running at 60fps instead of 30fps, higher screen & texture res.
I'm gonna be playing it on ultra settings and 144 fps, stay mad

>running at 60fps instead of 30fps, higher screen & texture res.
How it should be, poorfag

given that it's current-gen or cross-gen at best, it will be funny having DeS Remake look better than it and releasing earlier, too

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>>current gen game, won't take advantage of PS5/X/PCs other than the basics, running at 60fps instead of 30fps, higher screen & texture res.
>>been in development too long for the current gen (since 2nd DaS3 DLC) to just scrap it and move properly to next gen
you don’t know either of these things

>Elden Ring won't be anything other than a disappointment, DaS2 all over again
As expected
>DS1 is good
>DS2 sucks
>BB is good
>DS3 sucks
>Sekrio is good
>Elden Ring will ____
I think the worst part is realizing the game they make after Elden Ring is going to be great but also likely to be their PS5 exclusive, and I don't know how I feel about buying another system for just one game.

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You are schizo.

Who cares? It's generic open world shit.

and 144 fps
No you're not, all the souls games have game logic tied to the framefrate you uninformed brainlet. Your choice will be 30fps on the old gen, or 60fps on the ps5/x/PC (+higher resolution). Not sure where the S will fall, but probably 30fps I'd guess.

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My uncle works at Fromsoft so I know that Elden Ring will be based on 144 fps for PChads
You can keep seething though if you want


At this point I WANT Elden Ring to never release so they can just move forward with whatever they have planned for Sekiro

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the shota is kidnapped by the tsar

What framerate do BB, DaS3 and Sekiro run at on current gen? 30fps. What framerate do the PC versions get? 60fps, excluding BB obviously. Elden Ring was confirmed as another current gen release, so anyone capable of basic rational thought can accurately assume that the PS5/XBOX X versions will get the PC treatment - 60 fps, higher screen resolution, higher texture texture resolution.

And Miyazaki literally said himself in an interview that Elden Ring has been in development since DaS3 2nd DLC.

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you missed the point

you never had a point to begin with.

no, you’re just too obtuse to get it

Just gimme dat game, I don't give a fuck what it's on.

i dont think any of you know anything. If you look back at from news/info, you can see that demon souls remaster was foreshadowed. People tought it was armored core, bb2, etc. Instead we got sekiro, ds1 reskin, and now desps5. I wouldn't doubt that elden ring is being held out for ps5. Releasing desps5 give from a good year to finalize and improve elden ring for a holiday release 2021 (next year this time). It no longer makes sense to release elden ring, or any other new ip, on an old console. But i understand, my life sucks too, and speculation passes time...

Either covid really fucked them or they've run into issues. IIRC, omnipotent mentioned them struggling to get it to run well on the current gen because they're really pushing things. I'm sure someone might have the exact quote saved, but its something along those lines.

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>gen gen gen
Relax faggotbag. PS4 is so big you'll be seeing official Sony support on it for 4 years minimum as well as an even longer third party support.

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FROMsoftware have nothing to do with the Demon Souls Remaster, why are you mentioning it?

And here's the official website. Which consoles do you see listed there? it's 100% going to be a cross-gen release.

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>Sekrio is good
Not really.

i think covid gave them the position to pivot development to ps5. Instead of pushing through it like Nioh2, having a fucked up release, still staggering to release dlc... they decided to told their position and release on ps5.
Think of this: if elden ring is made with ps4 era tech.... how much better would it perform if it were simply ported to ps5 instead? This would be like blood borne at 60fps and no geometry limitations. Maybe not quite as flushed out as desps5 -- visuals for the sake of visuals -- but a fromsoft styled game on a system that could run it properly.

>omnipotent mentioned them struggling to get it to run well on the current gen because they're really pushing things
Pretty sure the only thing he said about the development delay is because of Corona.

>how much better would it perform if it were simply ported to ps5 instead
Not by much seeing how dogshit PS5 is already.

it has nothing to do with fromsoft directly, but it places a souls-like game in the market while the game is finished properly. Also, do you really trust a marketing site to be accurate or truthful? Just yesterday desps5 was listed as a PC game, but now its not.
If elden ring is released for ps4, I have no reason to buy a ps5. Same if des is released for PC, I have no reason for ps5. We can only wait and see.

so... with Demon beign an actual release title , this clear why elden ring is a now show for months , from doesnt want to damage the relation with sony showing a game in the same genre with possible better features or graphics this proves the game is in no development hell and just was interest conflict between the companies with demons beign a release title i can see elden ring releasing at the end of 2021 or start of 2022 , 1 year or so is enough space between the 2 titles for people to not compare the 2 games every second

ER will have a gameplay trailer at TGA and release in March

Doesn't make sense financially. It'll be years before next gen ownership matches up to the current gen, they'd be missing out on a massive playerbase.

A company like FROM aren't going to pass up on it. no ifs or buts, Elden Ring is coming out on the current gen.

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the website also shows elden ring being released for PC -- i have zero reason to buy a ps5 at this point.... and that is exactly why it will be a ps5 "exclusive" when it is released

>DeS Remake look better than it
It doesn't even look better than Dark Souls 3 you fucking faggot

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you are actually delusional

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hes taking his time with it to perfect a masterpiece. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>A company like FROM
It's Bamco's decision. Which makes it even more obvious that it's going to be on the current gen consoles. Bamco (and Koei Tecmo) have been releasing PS3 games long after PS4 became a thing.

Miyazaki makes the same games over and over. Sekiro was his biggest divergence from the Souls formula and yet people are still just clamoring for more circle-strafing backstabs and more dual-wielding ultra greatswords and more fast rolling endlessly.

Just go play DaS1 or 3 again. Those games still have the same things you all so desperately want Miyazaki to vomit out again.

nah 2021 goty

more likely struggling with corona since Japs don't understand the concept of working from home, and battling the overlord Jews at Bandai who want him to shit out a rushed piece of shit like DS3

yeah but horses bro...

DS2 was great though. It suffers from absolutely hideous graphics but otherwise tops DS3 in everything except individual boss design.

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Elden Ring is an open-world game with mounted combat though, which is nothing like the Souls games

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>he doesn't increase FPS on Fromsoft games for the extra challenge
fucking casual

what doesn't make sense is that from wont have a next gen game for 2-3+ years if they release elden ring for ps4, why blow your load on some old whore, when you can have a fresh one? Unless from is working on some other opus of a game, it really seems wasteful to release it on ps4. Either way, its really the only reason i'd buy a ps5. Desps5 feels more lukewarm by the moment, even though I was looking forward to it.

you should actually consider suicide if you think dark souls 2 was good

>why blow your load on some old whore, when you can have a fresh one?
You might be actually retarded senpai. This is why you flip burgers.

Thanks for sharing this cinematic user. Do you have any actual gameplay footage to share?

>If elden ring is released for ps4, I have no reason to buy a ps5

That's Sony's problem, not FROMs. FROM don't give a shit which version you buy, they're getting your money be it ps4/5, xbox one/X/S, PC.

>it really seems wasteful to release it on the biggest most profitable and secure market available

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>why release a game on an install base with 100m+?

>he thinks Elden Ring is a sony exclusive


God FUCK this armor

bro i make over 6 figures.... i could buy a ps5 and toss it out the next day, no worries

Sekiro isn't particularly good so wouldn't Elden Ring be?