you DID get yours, right?
They went up after the nintendo direct
you DID get yours, right?
They went up after the nintendo direct
Mario Kart more like Mario Kardboard
more cardboard?
I don't have a mansion to play it in.
>implying you wouldn't have begged your parents to get you this if it came out when you were a kid
This is dumb, but the kind of dumb that if I was a young kid I would be going apeshit for it.
It's too expensive. If I could get 2 for $100 then it'd be worth the money.
I couldn't justify the price of buying two to only play it once with my sister.
jesus fucking christ
I can’t take this shit no more nintenbros....people are laughing at us.
Got four actually. I plan to sell them during the Christmas season when they will 100% sell out and desperate parents will easily pay 3x or even 4x the market price.
hahahaha what the fuck is this shit
I preordered 2 from bestbuy, only managed to get 1 from Amazon before they sold out, and have 2 on preorder from walmart
lmao yes we are laughing
looks like a good gift for my nephews
>pretending this wouldnt have been the coolest fucking shit when you were a kid
God I hate this place
>Nintendo releases an actual toy
>They can't be more direct about the fact that this is just a toy
>The commercial for it even shows just a kid playing with it; implying that it's explicitly a children's toy
>Retards still treat this like its THE major Mario Kart game for the Switch
No lie but this looks better than the actual switch mario kart game.
I can make my own courses.
>Retards still treat this like its THE major Mario Kart game for the Switch
Literally who? Show ONE post that implies or says this
I'm not playing that shit unless I can main Wario
He's probably referring to how people are acting like they HAVE to buy this, even though it's is obviously just some ephemeral toy. People were losing their shit like this over Labo like this, as if this was the future of Nintendo games.
People are starving for a new Mario Kart, man.
Nintendo is a toy companys. They made playing cards, bouncing balls, jacks and jump ropes. The Famicon was a toy. Their introduction into digital toys (video games) was a huge success. Nintendo is a toy company, always has been. And thyre are hugely successful for it.
I guess I never saw that. I saw lukewarm on Zig Forums as in, people thought it was neat but since were adults, not a huge reaction. More so like a "for my nephew" thing. And I literally saw NOTHING elsewhere about it, for example in the 2 ninty fb groups im in.
I'd be satisfied with the toy karts itself. I know that because I never asked them for a remote control toy car (which I guess would be the equivalent to this from back then).
>Nintendo finds another way to sell even more cardboard to onions bugmen
They've been up since the Mario Direct two weeks ago.
Maybe people shouldn't go full retard when a spin-off or toy is released for their favorite game series. If sales are to be understood, fucking NOBODY bought MK8 when it was on the WiiU because nobody bought the WiiU. As far as most people are concerned, 8DX IS the Switch Mario Kart. And I don't see them shitting out a second Mario Kart just because people are mad that 8DX was a reissue of a game they never played before.
The mobile game is fun, so idk why
You missed an entire shitstorm of people genuinely not understanding that Labo was literally for grade schoolers. This was right when wide-mouth Wojak so!bo! shit was kicking into gear, so people convinced themselves that only men in the mid-30s were buying Labo for themselves.
It's not, MK8D is
Enjoy your decade and a half of the same Mario Kart because switchfags couldn't help but CONSOOM ports.
Switchlets ruined Nintendo
>implying MK8D wasn't the first time most people played the game
You know that the Switch is full of ports because no one bought the Wii U, right? Not even more Nintendies bought it.
had a rc train since 3 so I understand how this shit it is
unironically my 8yeras me dream
the thing is these kind of products are designed for children but adults
I think people only think that because most adults are still clinging on to Mario as if he's solely theirs. This RC car is TECHNICALLY an all-ages toy, but you know it's just suppose to be for kids.
It has dog shit controls and gacha mechanics which a lot of people don't like.