Disgaea thread

Disgaea 6 is here bros. Bieko a cute.

Attached: Disgaea-6-DoD-Ann_09-17-20.jpg (600x337, 85.34K)

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are these games designed for pedophiles?

Yes, and that's a good thing.

Bieko's adorable.

It has big boobies too!

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Garbo 3D characters.

I'm cool with the 3D models. I just want to see more attack animations.

Haven't played Disgaea in years. 1 and 2 were fun but never finished 3 because my save corrupted and 4 looked like shit with the sardines guy. Can't wait to try the trial version of 5. The pink haired girl in it looks hot

Who is Vergil's Disgaea waifu?

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>Loves demons and just about everything else

Attached: Flonne.png (340x713, 191.02K)

He'd probably try to avoid her at first.

Let's hope it doesn't include any lines that don't line up with NISA's sensibilities in 2011+10.

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Could they be doing the same for Flonne and laharl they did with etna in the 2 game?

I hope it does just to cause you cucks infinite seethe

I'm just happy it did end up being Disgaea, so much speculation in threads and posting the same teasing image made me just want to show anything.

That's kind of what I am expecting. Would be cool.
Disgaea 2 is my favourite.

I really like those secondaries, the red prism, the not-midboss, and that fucking king look great. the pink not-Sakura has potential too.

>shota and loli MCs
I will now buy your game

Etna is also in the game, you see her ass in the promo poster

>Vergil and Flonne
How would that play out?

I don't know who she is. But it feels like that lady to the right is speaking to me. I can feel it. I need her!

>post tfw dog is the real MC

so, trannies go to hell?

Some fusion of Devil May Cry V and Disgaea 1 happens with Vergil learning to reign in his shit and accept love and his own humanity for power

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Dante's gonna have a shit eating grin the whole time. Also Etna would want Vergil's dick.

yep... as reddit refugee this shit definitely still creeps me out the most

if we could get a report wave going on these pedos, this kind of shit would be gone quick...

Who's Nero's Disgaea waifu?

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I want to fuck Bieko.

Haven't played Disgaea since the first one back on the PS2

About to play 4 on PC

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Fuck off, Bieko is for cuddling only.

You missed out, Valvatorez might be my favorite protagonist

The real question is who's the most motivated and/or powerful Disgaea girl?

Rozalin/Zenon probably.

easily my wife, valkyrie

Of course.

Etna since Xenolith had to syphon magic from her.

Asagi, no question

I’m actually upset that it’s a switch exclusive