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based scriptkiddie doing gods work

Isn't it not allowed to make bids that can't be fulfilled?

lol who is going to act on that
nobody cares what you do on the internet.

He's legally obliged to fulfill those purchases, and if he does it to enough auctions the police will be contacted by ebay and a fraud case will be opened.

Dude is a fucking retard.

No I mean it's not allowed by the site to do that

Just keep making new dummy accounts. Run bot on all of them. (Don't) profit.

so what

>bidder doesn't pay
>next highest bidder is allowed to pay

this nigga doesn't know how ebay works

Do you even know what that means, you stupid faggot?


That's against ebay tos and probably grounds for ebay to sue him.

Ebay leaves seller accounts who scam actual buyers out of their money up for days at a time, sometimes even weeks. You're fucking retarded if you think they care enough past deleting the bots account.

Anyone who makes scalpers seethe is based in my book

Only when the damage gets big enough for it to be worth the costs

>ebay is going to go through the trouble of investigating where bot accounts made through disposable email accounts on a multi routed VPN came from
lol no, theyll take some weeks to ban the accounts and tell the scalpers to deal with it

It's not a crime, so cops are not involved. Even if it was, it can take weeks to resolve issues on Ebay. Let alone fake bot accounts that aren't worth the time and effort to sort out.

two things:

A) this dude is based as fuck

B) will scarcity be even a thing? Should I secure a card now for 700€ before it's too late?

Attached: tik.jpg (1200x693, 140.01K)

You're right, guess after the weeks of bidding ends and he doesn't pay out, they'll have to ban his free account and let the cards go back up to auction for another few weeks, where it happens again.

Should do it for ps5s

I'm genuinely sad. I stayed up all night hoping I'd get one. I've been sitting on this piece of shit PC for 7 years waiting for a good time to build a new one. Already spent a shit ton of money on the rest of the parts, and now I gotta wait half a year for a restock constantly checking 5 different websites. God damn it bros.

Maybe I'll bid on a 2080ti.

Attached: Something_a_child_would_do_to_a_doll.jpg (677x678, 180.5K)

Fair enough

Based as fuck. Scalpers are subhuman scum

Scarcity WILL be a thing and it's all because production lines are reserved months in advance just to assemble new smartphones nobody should give a shit about. Blame consoomer society for nvidya's inability to deliver.

I used to sell things on ebay almost full time and you're wrong and possibly fucking retarded. Ebay regularly does stupid shit such as fully refunding customers who don't contact you and customers who directly tell you they are committing fraud. There are multiple forums stacked to the brim with people complaining that ebay does nothing but fuck them. Ebay wrings the everloving shit out of it's sellers.

Just buy the second-best thing or wait until the prices drop when consumer retards look into the NEW new thing. You're a genuine, bona-fide retard if you spend that much money on the new hyped product.


He needs to do the same with PS5

Attached: 1459387324541.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

>wrote his own bot

the point is to discourage there from being a next highest bidder


>All the scalpers have enabled the option that disables accounts with 0 purchases and 0 rating from placing bids.
>Seething trannytard made a bot that does literally nothing
what a fucking retard.

That's not how it works, but okay.

I would guess the bot becomes the top 10 or so bids.

same but with biological goblin shortstacks

Holy based, this guy deserves a free 3080.


Attached: FROZEN.webm (1272x924, 1.23M)

Thoughts on this make?
Remember this price is including 16% VAT

>made his own script
No you don't.

I already bougth like 50 items on eBay since 2006 and it does

This you fucking retards.
Ebay lets you automatically prevent accounts with zero transactions and zero feedback from bidding.
The script does nothing.
You're all arguing over literally fucking nothing.
Even theoretically this shit doesn't do anything, it can be defeated with a fucking checkbox.

>it's considered "tranny" to fuck scalpers in their gaping assholes
Hey there Daniel, how many copies of the new Mario game are you going to walk out of the Target with this time? A hundred?
Suck my dick faggot

>Not blocking users with zero feedback

Attached: money-laundering-metaphor.jpg (1300x871, 177.3K)

seems like the normal price Dummkopf
oh and
also that is MwSt not VAT

>>it's considered "tranny" to fuck scalpers in their gaping assholes
user, did you not read the greentext I posted?
He's not considered "tranny" for fucking scalpers.
He's considered "tranny" for writing a fucking self-congratulatory essay on how he's fucking over scalpers when he isn't really.
Scalpers by default have enabled the option that makes it impossible for him to do anything to them.
Are you illiterate or retarded? Suck my dick faggot.

What if he's behind 7 proxies?

What do you say Bernd, should I pull the trigger? Will we have the same price gouging as other places?

You're a motherfucking retard, user. Possibly the dumbest cunt I've seen on Zig Forums all year.

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