Attached: demon-s-souls-gameplay-trailer-1220130-1600289996-high.jpg (1024x576, 74.12K)
*white man grunts*
Nicholas Moore
Alexander Powell
I like all the breathing and grunts. Makes it atmospheric as fuck.
Jason Butler
doesn't look right at 60 fps.
Brody Bennett
That was the worst fucking part of it. I didn’t like the grunts period, especially while just running, but especially the fucking voice.
Juan Gray
>stab enemy
>chip_damage.wav plays
the sound is off
Levi Anderson
I want to hear all the breathing and grunts in a cute female voice.
Jason Gray
Henry Miller
It's cool. Helps you further distinguish the body form from the soul form (I'm assuming you won't hear them in soul form), which will make the total silence of not being in body form even eerier. These are positive changes, that show Bluepoint might actually know what makes Demon's Souls a good game.
Jose Carter
It shouldn't look right in the first place since all the visuals and animations are being reworked from the ground-up.
Eli Taylor
I agree, in the original you lose the sound of your footsteps so going a step further going completely muted is a very cool detail
Michael Taylor
God damn it user, now if they don't mute the player's breath and grunts in soul form it will trigger my autism
Kevin Reed
user, please. Don't do this to yourself. The character wasn't even sprinting and those retards made him grunt with every single fucking step, no matter the actual effort being put into the action. They're not going to take it out from soulform, and soulform will probably not look remotely as ghostly. Western developers don't understand the value of restraint or minimalism. To them, MORE MORE MORE signifies a better experience. Overindulgence is clearly what Bluepoint's design philosophy is geared towards. Souls games have always had your character make context-appropriate grunts; such as when you receive a huge blow, or you get knocked into the air or die. Don't count of Bluepoint understanding the nuances of this.
Samuel Lewis
That's kind of what I'm hoping for this game,t ake Demon's souls and double down on it. Really hoping for more extreme tendency stuff.
Yeah I'll be fuckin pissed if they don't do it, but the second I heard the grunts and stuff I realised that's most likely what they're going for.
Brody James
>not turning off sound in every game and listening to your own play list
you will never make it
Mason Green
James Morgan
James Turner
>Not having speakers to blast negative xp while hearing niggas kill each other on your 70" TV
Cooper Parker
eh, we've seen some faithful attention to details, like the reaper having his long wand-finger still, and in the new gameplay you can see the weird ripple effect under the Maiden & player in the Nexus, which was always a cool detail
if they're paying such close attention to shit like that I'm somewhat optimistic
also unrelated but the new sound effect when you gain souls is great, makes it feel more like a negative influence on your character
Zachary Foster
No, it's not. Entire sound design is strange. Just take a look at how character blocks attacks - minimal effort, barely flinches, yet he grunts every time, as if he's struggling extremely hard and is very exhausted. And almost all moves have voiceover.
With this design, every fight with enemies/npc/invaders will quickly become a mess of "AUUGH", "ARRGHHH", "EEUUHH", "UGHH"
Zachary Cook
ugh... huff... urgh... SCHWING CLANG SHLORP AUUUUUUUHHHHhhh... *chugs moongrass*
Aaron Brown
When you blocked in the original it made a stupid sound every time
Brandon Martin
I do agree that Bluepoint don't work from a 'less is more' philosphy, however we've seen positive changes with Flamelurker (who seemingly become closer to his original appearance via battle damage), and they're also taking feedback (the lighting for the Tower Knight fight).
Demon's Souls is my favourite game, and it will *always* exist. I'm looking forward to seeing it through a different lense. I wish I could be as pessimistic as everyone else in these threads, but yesterday's footage actually made me a little relieved.
Landon Gutierrez
>the player actually swings and looks upwards when fighting a giant enemy
Dylan Green
Matthew Bell
op prefers black men grunts, specifically when his mother has company
Noah Stewart
Sure about that? I don't hear character grunting as if he's about to fucking die when he blocks an attack.
Jace Powell
Nathan Cruz
>post 2016 election tourist
>posting wojaks
stop wasting our oxygen normalfag and neck urself
Jayden Mitchell
>still schizoing about 2016 elections
Cooper Gutierrez
nice another wojak, i hit a nerve didnt i
Gabriel King
would you kindly go take your meds?
Andrew Butler
ypeepo be gruntin like dis:
but black peepo be gruntin like dis:
Aiden Brown
Take breaks from Zig Forums every now and then user, it's good to be positive!