Have they ever made a bad game?
Have they ever made a bad game?
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Nintendo LABO
Breath of the wild, metroid other m, smash ultimate, splatoon 1 and 2, and animal crossing new horizons.
So yes. They have.
yeah. it's called majoras mask
Sunshine and Majora's Mask
Many, but Zig Forums will never give you the right answers.
No. Fuck off Snoy.
Inb4 the goalposts get moved.
The most recent Mario Party is actually pretty lackluster.
Every game after Twilight Princess
Have they ever made a good game?
Super Mario Bros.
You're telling me you actually liked metroid other m?
Mario 2
objectively bad:
>Sushi Striker
>Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival
>Wii Music
Skyward Sword
Sticker Star
Color Splash
Every Pokemon after Gen 2
Twilight Princess
Other M
Adventure of Link
The Mario Party where everyone wins and you all travel together in a cart. That one REALLY sucked.
No, bungie developed and microsoft published Halo 2.
>shit games they made
breath of the wild, new horizons, metroid other m, skyward sword, mario odyssey, mario galaxy 1, every Mario Party game aside from the Nintendo 64 ones, Pokemon Sword/Shield, Pokemon Sun/Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
>good games recently
Smash, Links Awakening Remake (Classic Zelda is better), Pokemon Lets Go Eevee (Kanto is the greatest of all time), Mario Maker 2 (classic Mario is the best)
Piano was cool
Thats not how you bait newfags
Skyward Sword
Other M, mediocre game but shits on
the rest of the series and itself at the same time
Prime FedForce
Star Fox Zero and Guard
Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival
All Yoshi games that are not og Island and Story
Sticker Star
Color Splash
The Origami King
All Pokemon games (dunno if counts given they are made by GF)
The first two FE games
I agree with you by and large but Dreamcast is still king of having almost all their games be good.
Imagine actually thinking a company has never made a bad game.
>codename STEAM
ye I'd say they have
Hotel Mario
Animal crossing: Amiibo festival
Gameplay was ok. story is garbage
I always get a contrarian trying really hard to defend this.
bruh what do you have against music
you some sort of deaf bastard?
Yeah, plenty.
they never made a good game
Most answers here are going to be subjective. For example, I think Metroid: Other M, Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, and Super Paper Mario were all crap, but those aren't popular opinions.
Are we talking Nintendo produced, or developed? Objectively not-good Nintendo-developed games are Wii Music, Big Brain Academy
There are MANY more shitty Nintendo-produced games