I'm not paying $70 for a video game

I'm not paying $70 for a video game.

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ok frogposter

ok cool story frog

must suck to be mexican and poor



this is why im getting a ps4 until 2022-23 when the ps5 slim comes out and games are cheaper. i was going to get a ps5 at launch to play ps4 exlusives like spider man and god of war with better performance but it just isn't worth it and they don't offer free upgrades

You're delusional if you think that extra ten bones is going to stop crunch

yeah but game journos will shill for the new prices citing crunch and better pay for devs, but they will obviously get fuck all from this
also it's 80€ in EU which is 95 dollars, absolutely ridiculous

Why? Because it's too much? Vidya as a hobby is so ridiculously cheap compared to most hobbies it's funny. Shit like taking a hike and collecting rocks you found is cheaper, sure, but damn near anything else seems stupidly expensive next to video games. Even if you lean into it completely and get yourself a decent gaming PC and whatever hot new consoles hit the market. Next to anything else, vidya's cheap.

Wait, what is crunch? I'm bad at keeping up with this stuff.

just get a pc and pirate everything
video game companies don't deserve your money

good thing it's only 69.99

same. I can deal with a new generation console not looking like its in any way form a fucking upgrade from last gen but I aint giving these kike devs more money they 'think' they are entitled to.

>good thing it's only 69.99

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I’m going to pirate from here on out 100%

But all the normalfags will, AAA trash has been selling for 69~89 eurobucks in my country and everyone seems to be fine with it. People will just accept it just like they did with paid online.

kill normies

>So(n)y fanboys blame Xbox for online
>Totally okay with games being $70 dollars since Sony was first

I really miss playing FIFA online with my friends. PS3 was so comfy.

I haven't bought a game in 2 years

Still played most of the new release lmao

I'm not paying $ for a video game.

I blame white people

Take that anti-Semitism back to

>now 92.99 in leaf bucks
>$105 with tax
never buying a new game again

Do it like me. Wait year after release for each game. Wait 3 years after release of console. Also never buy anything Nintendo.

i am. Moving on.

Pay the 70$ goyim

if youre going to wait its literally just better to get the inevitable PC port for a better version with likely more features at a much lower price

the literal whole point of a console is to play exclusives when theyre fresh before they get ported to the better platform

fucking kill yourself

>not playing classic games that are for dollar or two on sale (or free on the internet) on your toaster laptop instead

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>paying for classic games

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>playing on PC anything than RTS and Fallout 2
Pc is for work. I can't relax and enjoy games on PC. If you are such pathetic consoomer, you have to play everything fresh, than enjoy your 69.99.

Then get an xbox or pirate

>paying for games

Attached: chad-pirates.png (2518x1024, 319.38K)

>not stealing high end pc and steam account

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