You get your wish

>you get your wish
>ahaha jk you actually don't
Wtf were they thinking?

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The real Stalker is the friends we made along the way

бoлт тeбe a нe жeлaниe

>you get your wish
>ahaha jk you actually don't
Wtf were they thinking?

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Thanks, downloaded

>life is not fair
>wanna escape unfair life tovarish and have some fun?

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It's almost as if the entire game is an allegory of human greed and it's consequences.

>you get your wish
>ahaha jk you actually don't
Wtf were they thinking?

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Thats what you get for trusting A FUCKING ROCK

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so is that an empty on the book cover? just started reading the book yesterday

I'm out of the loop, what's going on here?

>He got the bad ending

one of the endings in stalker lets you make a wish but it's basically a monkeys paw.

You mean the Holy Grail?

Porcupine gets exactly what he wants


its a reference to the movie and book cause the wish granter in both is a monkeys paw

How do I make the rain stop in Autum aurora?


stop using AA.

roadside is pretty vague
there should be an options menu for
AtmosFear that lets you mess around with weather to your hearts content, I'm pretty sure aa uses that

What if i secretly wished to just fucking die, there pranked bro ahah

Alright Ill try that
where is the atmosfear options menu?

Such is life in the Zone

5 of the 7 endings are like this, actually
depends on your reputation, money, etc

I want to be rich
>crushed by gold

I want to be immortal
>turned into a statue

I want the zone to disappear
>becomes blind

I want to rule the world
>Absorbed as part of the monolith

Humanity is corrupt and must be controlled
>World destroyed in nuclear war

>let's make it a monkey paw like the book and movie
that's what they were thinking
now replay the game on Master and pay fucking attention to the dialog

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>I want the zone to disappear
>>becomes blind

not just that
it's a full empty

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>roadside is pretty vague

Is this game's final section worth playing?

Once or twice
the fun is in endless freeroaming

>trusting a bunch of fucks who caused the biggest disaster in human history