>mhw but with more monsters than just reskinned rathalos, deviljho and kushala
Mhw but with more monsters than just reskinned rathalos, deviljho and kushala
>no master rank
Have fun nintenkiddy
>mhw but better
wtf sign me up
>calling g rank master rank
As long as there are more than 5 weapon designs, and no clutch claw I'm in.
Also horsedogs.
All I want is to be able to replace the voiceover with the gibberish lore language and it will be at least 8/10 for me.
Has Spider man swinging
Nothing but Arial attacks
Vertically up the ASS
the flagship is literally more frontier than nergigante
Still has shit turf war garbage
Heal while running
They phased out a lot of actual gathering for shit
World was fucking garbage and this just more of it, but worse graphics. Only saving grace is that it has dogs, but even that’s shit because they’re not synapsid (mammalian reptiles) like Odogaron and instead just straight up wolves. This garbage will be praised by console war autist even though it’s more of the same casualized shit as world. I want my classic MH back
I will say that MH stories 2 looks dope though
The talking was pretty shitty
>watch partner direct in japanese
>This voiceover is a little odd. Don't know how I feel about it.
>switch to english for monhun direct
Haha that image looks like shit, wait, wait, iz that a dawg oootttt hypu maximu i love dogos!!
Monster Hunter was a game built on skill and elitism, and it genuinely saddens me to see capcom double down on this normie shit while pushing away the people that supported the series for over a decade.
You can actually see a lot of similarities to the smash community. Sakurai has consistently dumbed smash down on a technical level, ostracizing a large portion of the community that gave it a lot of publicity and support.
your own elitism excluded yourself from having fun
>Monster Hunter was a game built on skill and elitism
it was a game built on japanese 13 year olds playing together at mcdonalds come on now. it was portable for so long for a reason
>world was fucking garbage
Next time just post this at the beginning so I can disregard this dribble
It looks like shit, just a continuation of the garbage fire that was World
List of problems with Monster Hunter Rise
>Inb4 "b-but sony..."
>Based on World gameplay, not classic
>Cinematic focus
>No prowlers once again
>New mechanic somehow worse than the clutch claw where the game lets you jump in the air to make combos as if you were in Devil May Cry, once more ignoring that the foundation of the series rely on the player staying underpowered compared to these monsters, showing that the developers want to slowly but surely turn the series into one of those oh so profitable destiny clones
>Focus on irrelevant shit once again like climbing on high places nobody is going to care about 10 hours in that only needlessly complicate map design and suck resources away
>No changes to the awful armor design philosophy from world
>Pre order bonuses with content that will be impossible to obtain otherwise
>Same cancerous DLC model from world
>Layered armor makes a return in the same way as world, implying that this time they will continue milk you for all you have while dangling the idea of layered armor just out of reach
>Monsters look just as slow as World, Arzuros specifically has been slowed down from GU
>Weapon movesets are the same broken shit as World
>Even bigger focus on turf wars. Prepare to be interrupted once again every hunt to watch the retarded cutscene.
>Open world and all of the issues that come with it
Feel free to add to the list.
>Listfag wants to take this game down too
I thought a new Switch MH would please you, faggot.
>"more monsters"
>flagship is just a reskinned zinorge
Fuck off fags the hardest thing about the old mh was the time limit, it was always a timesink nothing more . the amazing mhw:iceborne is different as everything is fast and fun
Everyone is too busy stroking it to the twins, but what about her?
I'm just happy to play with my dear dog like in my favourite childhood game
That's still more though and there is literally nothing wrong with reusing skeletons, not to mention all the other ones it showed like the turkey, not-Dodogma and the fucking spider.
It already has More variety than the last game, which is a great sign. Hope this makes the World team (if they're not working on this) get their shit together for once. It would be nice to have World gameplay and visuals with good content.
All shitposting aside can we at least agree that the new flagship looks like shit? Like wtf does it have arm blades?
You're honestly bitching about a samurai monster having arm blades? Are you a dumbass?
hurry up and post your continuing rage post
Games gonna sell like hot cakes and your seething will continue into the vacuum of space.
It looks fine. Try to find a picture with the flames active, as I think it's designed with that aspect in mind.
Yeah, it's not looking good. I'm sure people will defend it, or shit on it, purely based on console retardation, but this shit looks like World 2.
Which isn't even good if you like World because it just means your roster of monsters has now been reduced and will be drip-fed to you over a period of years all over again.
The only saving grace will be if it has no scoutflies, and reduces the slipping around and mobility of World. Make weapon types actually matter again beyond damage numbers.
Yeah. It looks too bland imo
>and no clutch claw I'm in.
Well, you win some you lose some.
The grappling hook is honestly way better than the cuck claw, it doesn't disrupt the pace like the claw,no need to keep tenderizing or wallbanging monsters anymore, no longer having to clutch to a monster and then get sent to the ground because said monster decided to move a inch, also it seem like there is no mantles, which is a good thing, I hope they limit camp and restocks too
>Reskin of the best monster
I see no problems here.
Hunter or huntress