ITT Game characters with muscle
ITT Game characters with muscle
Starting with this one.
Oh, he's actually really easy
I love Berial's design
on top of him being a taur
Yeah I like it, it looks so damn badass.
>dem thighs
Woah, she buff.
Berial is my favorite design in the DMC series. Hell, it's one of my favorite designs in all of gaming. I hate how much disrespect he gets, especially in DMC5.
They should have just named the Balrog weapon Berial instead
>Most DMC3 weapons were named after the boss you took it from
>DMC4 broke this tradition and just giving Dante completely unrelated weapons
>Metallic gauntlets with jet engines from a plant dragon lady
>Morphing suitcase from lure ice frog
>Weird spear backpack with roses from Berial
For as awesome as DMC4's combos were, the weapons are retarded as fuck, and I hate being forced to switch through Lucifer just to get back to Rebellion and Gilgamesh.
Yes! The one thing I want from Bayonetta 3 is for us to get weapons from the bosses. I know it's an autistic thing to get stuck on, but it makes using the weapons so much more fun for me.
Berial unironically awoke my desire for muscular draconic taurs
Thing is, the weapons themselves had personality, with Agni/Rudra being the pinnacle of that. Cerberus is quite snappy and sometimes insanely violent (a shit ton of ice spikes out of nowhere), Agni/Rudra are fast and very flashy when used together, even laughing and speaking for some Crazy Combos and Dante yelling "Silence!" when he's done, and Nevan being the one thing Dante uses to jam the fuck out.
Beowulf is also quite beastly with all the charge attacks, and the sudden "GO TO HELL" that happens when using it with Swordmaster.
And then...
>Gilgamesh - Generic metal rocket gauntlets. Can split through some big rock...
>Lucifer - Like I said, weird spear backpack with roses and a skull...? At least the introduction is cool but it's literally Vergil Summoned Swords but red and Dante-Styled
>Pandora - Where the fuck do I begin
DMC5 mitigates this somewhat by actually giving you named boss weapons but they're not much better anyways.
You do not get those weapons from the bosses, you get them from the gate they came through.
great. convenient hand-waving lore for why the weapons suck so much shit
Imagine the size of his schlong
>muscular draconic taurs
i read it as "muscular dragon roars"
The problem with the DMC4 weapons is they always felt under-baked.
Gilgamesh is generic, not really using the thrusters on the wrists or the spurs on the ankles in any unique way that isn't done by every other melee weapon in the series. For comparison, you could shoot Ifrit like missiles and then keep punching barehanded, and Balrog is all-around a ton of fun to use with both movesets.
Lucifer could honestly have been one of the funnest weapons in the series. It's certainly the most creative and could be quite flexible in its use, as shown with its introductory cutscene. Sandly, like you said, it just ended up being Summoned Swords Lite.
Pandora.... I think I'm alone in this, maybe I'm a casual, but I always found it too hard and restrictive to use. It just feels so slow and clunky.
Weird how DMC has never had an actual dragon as a boss. The closest we have is a T-Rex display skeleton.
Berial is fucking cute.
Seems to just be the case. The weapons either aren't unique enough, or they're too dumb to use.
The only real flying bosses I remember are Griffin, Artemis, Helicopter, Argosax, Gigapede, Agnus, Echidna, Savior, Sanctus... and that's it.
Birds, demons, mechanical helicopters, chaos beings, giant air worms, insects, chimeras, statues, and humans... but never a dragon. Weird, considering Dante can hunt dragons... In Monster Hunter 4U and GU if you use his DLC costumes. Frontier too, but it's not transmog capable so it's useless.
Echidna not dragon enough for you?
Would Samus be a buff character?