How can Zig Forums recover from this?

How can Zig Forums recover from this?

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fair point on the first 3
using sm64 is cheating and you know it

I don't even know what the third one is.

back to reddít or twitter or wherever you cam from, tranny

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Among Us

>People play games that are out
>People don’t play things that aren’t out
Whoa wait a minute wtf

That's actually a valid point

Not an argument, buzzfag

>they are not
kiss yourself

I don't play flavour of the month multiplayer meme games that only get popular because of twitch streamers but I bought Animal Crossing and 3D All Stars

>fotm that won't last until the end of month
>same as above
>old game that everyone has already played, also nintenbro

I don't see his point, these aren't targeted for a true gamer like myself

We can't because it's true. Faggots here are going to purchase some other faggot's scalped 3080 and will brag about playing next gen console ports and Fall Guys season 3. It's starting to get really embarrassing how bad PC gaming is getting. We don't even have a killer app pushing the limits of hardware. Oh wait we do, it's a fucking remake of the last game to do that for PC games like 10 years ago. Great. So sick of buying expensive hardware to max out pathetic console trash. Why don't we get our own shit anymore that isn't fucking grand strategy shit nobody fucking plays?

>Animal Crossing and 3D All Stars

>TLOU2 comes out and has the most realistic, brutal, painful, miserable zombie apocalypse ever seen in video games.
>Loses out to a newgrounds flash game and two games that could have been rendered on the fucking N64, plus a game that WAS on the N64.
So where's the part where hyper realism and amazing graphics didn't get btfo?

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i can't wait until among us is dead

Why making this thread again? Is that little red eye flashing up so important to you?

I'll kiss you user...

>Two fotm games
>AC rehash
>Three isos running in an emulator
If anything this just proves how shit the tastes are for consoomers

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The fact You do not know what Among Us is... Is very telling.

>I don’t like these games so clearly nobody else likes these games!
The world does not revolve around you.

>i don't like them so they aren't successful
Pills. Now.

Are they going to ignore the fact that Mario 64's graphics were mindblowing at the time

What do you play then

Do they realize that simplistic/cartoon artstyle =/= bad graphics? The lighting and textures and such on the top two games would probably not be possible on older hardware.

>How can graphixfags recover from this?

Fixed that for you.


Wanna add another buzzword in there, user?

But GTA 5 has sold 130 million copies and RDR2 30 million

PCfags adore Rockstar so single player AAA isn't completely dead yet, I don't want to know the kind of people that get excited for PS5 I bet they are unpleasant to be around.

mmm, no?

that's FFVIII and capcom psx games user.

You haven't heard of it because it's a social game. You have no friends to invite you to play

Yes, gameplay > graphics > story.

This will always be the case, by and large.

Isn't TLOU2 4 months in also getting outsold by the 42 month old BotW?

Three of those games don't even have good gameplay, they're just fads or in animal crossings case an inferior product than the other entries