Don't buy any new consoles now, wait for the revised / "improved" version three years from now.
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m8 if you buy consoles in the first place you're a dumb cunt incapable of waiting because delayed gratification requires forethought and an actual working brain
brb beating my wife
funny since PS3 was the exact opposite
I can simp as some with ya, but there are some exclusives that do happen.
My fat PS3 is still going strong. Same controllers too.
one mouthful of milk please
What are her best movies?
Post codes.
I want to rub my boner on her soft titties
Based breastfeeding milkbro.
this happens when people hurry to consoom
Seriously though, yes the next generation hasn't started yet but it has to be inevitable for a SeX Box Smol and PS5 Slim to happen.
My Switch was defective on arrival. To Nintendo's credit they had a new one to me within 24 hours. It was pretty crazy actually. It was back when they first released and some of them had that hardware issue where the WiFi was just fried.
More like a PS5 SuperVeloce with an even faster meme SSD ;^)
>tfw fapping to Kaho's JAV while watching her stream on Twitch
gravure + pin ups > porn
Don't buy anything or play anything because there might be something better years later
Just never play games, dog, it's a lose lose situation
>three years from now
>all the communities for the games you were interested are dead
>miss out on realtime launch-week posting/discussion with the pros
>miss out on launch-month online festivities with the bros
>but everything is finalized/patched and cheaper
hard pill to swallow, I'd rather be in on something when it's new, there are too many social benefits involved.
are you trying to imply being smart with your money and not buying into hype is a bad thing?
I think it's valid to buy a new console by the end of 2021, 22 or 23 really
Proper next-gen games will start coming out in 2022. If you buy it at the end of 2021, you'll be able to accompany the releases of next-gen titles; if you buy it at the end of 2022, you'll already have a big library of next-gen games to play through.
If you buy it at the end of 2023, you'll have a much cheaper, reliable, slimmer model available but you'll have to catch up on the library a bit
Anyway, yeah. Just don't buy these consoles at release, that's completely retarded - paying more for the worse version possible of a console; yikes!
Buy now and sell it when the new one comes out. I did it for the 3DS and PS4. I'll do it again for the PS5.
Poorfags are a plague to society.
All things in moderation. (Not you Jannie)
umm just buy it on release then buy the new model when that one comes out too??? whats the problem???
Nah, but I'll buy ps5 when GoW comes out though
This user gets it. Have another JAV chick.
You’re not totally wrong.
The first iteration of a console these days, internally looks like they tried to fit a sleeping bag in a tennis ball tube so...
>3 years
no thank you gramps
Damn, YanDev has some nice tits
Ya know, us PC chads aren't telling you to build a PC out of some superiority complex. We're not battling a console war. We want you to free yourself. Come home to the promised land, anons.
This is what I always do. But I am worried that the next version of the PS5 will be digital only, and for me the only reason to have a home console instead of a PC is being able to collect physical games.