Fallout New Vegas appreciation thread

how about a new vegas thread

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god i love Red Glare

i 100% the game but a bunch of achievments bugged out and I didn't get them, which sucked since i really wanted them to cement the fact i finished it.
also post new vegas pics, i only took 1 for some reason

Reminder that choosing to side with Mr.House is the best option.

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hell yeah it is, he payed me good caps for those snowglobes
also nice .jpg lmao

what's the best build to run with
unarmed and explosives masterrace here
fuck items flying around when you blow shit up though, you never know if something important flew away, other than that. nothing like having a trusty grenade launcher on hand

>want to play nv again
>remember I know everything about it
>I get bored immediately after leaving goodsprings

heartbreaking problem right here, big sad

At this point you should know if there's important shit in a certain area. Otherwise if you lose it just give it to your character with console commands.
But yeah, there were so many good explosive options in NV. I wish FO4 had as many options, considering enemies actually will get behind cover and pop off shots at you. A grenade launcher would have been awesome, instead you only get the fat man and a missile launcher which weigh a fuckton and aren't all that fun.

>A grenade launcher would have been awesome, instead you only get the fat man and a missile launcher which weigh a fuckton and aren't all that fun.
you said it, i'm currently playing through fo4 right now but it's not nearly as engaging as new vegas was
i hate lugging around heavy items, so i'm staying away from fat man and missile launchers. would've been baller if a grenade launcher existed...

if you really want you can orchestrate most of them with the console, so long as you save and relaunch the game before you would trigger unlocking it

if you're a consolepleb then you have my pity, easily the worst version of these games

>Brave New World finally comes out
>burnt out on New Vegas and can't be bothered doing another playthrough

Did they really throw away all of NV's great explosives and just go back to 3's fucking two options? Just how butthurt did they get at New Vegas existing?

waiting for ttw 3.4

Sneak, Snipe, Silenced weapons.If the AI ever knows I was there, shit's gone pear-shaped.

>if you really want you can orchestrate most of them with the console
I already tried all that before i considered myself done with the game. it's random achievments like "play 10 hands of blackjack", which i did, i cleaned house lmao. and discovering 125 locations, which i have done. i 100% the map. I can't be bothered to try anything more, i'll get them on my next run, hopefully they won't be bugged then too, fml if they are

I don't even think they're butthurt, they just don't care. They couldn't even be bothered adding in the detail of your weapon being visibly holstered, or made sure that their spruced up engine would be able to handle weapons that loaded one round at a time without some dodgy workaround like what Obsidian had to do, so they just didn't bother at all.

>>Brave New World finally comes out
what's Brave New World?

Mod that revoices various NPCs in the game. It took the guy 4 years of paying VAs out of pocket to do it.

you could have just said it removes the soul

>Just how butthurt did they get at New Vegas existing?
I was thinking about that too, didn't they retcon New Vegas? The world have been rebuilding with established nations going places and teleportation to the moon was available. none of bethesda's works do it to that level
if they do somehow in fo4 don't spoil it, i still want to experience it blind lmao
Also i did a quest in fo4 recently and they seem to hint that the npc will be going to the mojave desert for more alien ruins, which would hint at new vegas, but new vegas didn't have any alien ruins to be hinting at so idk what that was about
>3's fucking two options
i really dislike the weapon variety in 4, i so would have liked set weapons instead of everything being customizable
it's not even that extent
although i do like having a BAR, that's pretty sweet
still no pump action shotgun.. big sad

whats the fucking point

And you couldn't have said a retarded buzzword that doesn't mean anything, yet here we are.

Dude got sick of hearing Yuri Lowenthal voicing everyone.

>waiting for ttw 3.4
what's that
that sounds pretty sweet
>If the AI ever knows I was there, shit's gone pear-shaped.
Must've been the wind...

Play dust

He could have just changed the player's grunts. He's a small price to pay for having Oliver Swanick exist.

>you could have just said it removes the soul

new version of tale of two wastelands
i'm waiting cuz it has a ton of fixes

Where the fuck are my shadows Boris you commie fuck

one of the latest patches for NVSE actually allows NPCs to use weapon mods and all the special ammo, theres a mod that adds all that and it seems to be compatible with mostly everything, might do another run because of this

>same actor voicing dozens of characters without any emotion
Yeah, I'm thinking he's retarded
Part of the mod was also remaking a bunch of NPC faces to make them seem less like people with fetal alcohol syndrome and more like human beings without going too far into the uncanny valley like shit you'd see with Dragbody's garbage

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>Sneak, Snipe, Silenced weapons
i loved the varmint rifles when i was playing a small guns character back when the game came out, that gun has a special place in my heart, easy to get too

>tale of two wastelands
i just looked it up, damn those modders and their magic, that sounds hella impressive. Merging two games together lmfao

what are you on about, what shadows

>what shadows
Fucking exactly. The world is a barren flat land. You’d think that after all these years, someone would have figured out a way to add dynamic shadows cast by the sun

it's the same damn game already, it's all just adding cells and merging item lists, and fixing the retarded main quest to work properly

yeah, well, there is a thing in openmw that actually introduced real time shadows for everything and it makes my fps drop from the 300s to the 40s so i'm thinking no thanks


I've been loving the World of Pain mod recently.
Are there any other good, really extensive content mods like it?

New Vegas is one of the few RPGs that don't try to tell you a story, successfully or not. Instead, it gives the player a framework to tell their own story. The framework is not perfect, it's not complete, but it's still an admirable effort.

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>the best fallout game isn't even made my bethesda
I wonder how much NV makes Todd seethe

>just turns one of Benny's employees into another Benny
What in the goddamn?

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that's fair, i see your point

ENB doesn’t add shadows retard. It’s some form of ambient occlusion. Nothing like OpenMW or the shadows in Fallout 4

Does Dust have a storyline?

easily one of my favorite games