Let the cope begin.
Monster Hunter Rise
>Platform that put Monster Hunter on the map
I don't think they're making PSP games any more.
Are people dumb enough to not realize that this is the portable 3rd for World and they're working on World 2?
World sold more on PS4 then all previous entries did combined
You only need to have looked at Zig Forums over the past few weeks to see that yeah, they are that stupid
Are Switchlets this desperate for a win after an embarrassing 2020? We still got World with an inevitable sequel on the way, possibly after Dragon's Dogma 2.
Now that's factually wrong. 4 and P3rd alone already make up over 10m sales.
So these people really don't know that Monster Hunter Portable was always a thing, huh?
>with an inevitable sequel on the way, possibly after Dragon's Dogma 2
Cool. See you in 2030 then, I guess.
Monster Hunter entries have always been on DS
Why are snoys begging so hard for this when they just play FIFA and movie games?
who gives a shit you fucking niggers just play videogames why does every fucking thread need to devolve into a console war you dipshits
game looks cool, nerscylla is back, i'm looking forward to it and also fatalis in world
>After dragons dogma 2
Except when they were on PS2 and PSP
Snoy cuckd seething, nintenchads always win
>Why does MH coming to Switch upset people?
Not really upsetting people, it's just such an impossibility that it becomes hilarious.
1) Capcom heavily changed their engine to create World as well as re-creating every single asset from the ground up to look better, an engine and assets which they will continue use for the next decade or as per usual, and will release 6th and 7th gen games from these assets and engine version on all systems but Nintendo's.
2) World is the most sold Capcom game of all time, obviously also beating MonHun sales records in the process.
3) These delusional people think the developers will pull people aside to waste time making a game exclusively for Switch even though multiplat sales are proven to be king, and they would have to make the game from a completely different version of the engine and with completely brand new assets - the engine and assets can't be as old as the 3DS versions because Switch owners would complain (rightfuly so, MHGU's Switch port is an absolute lazy turd), but on the other hand Switch can't handle World's engine (PS4/Xbone barely can), so they think that for a 1-off game, on a single platform in the middle of its lifespan, they'll dedicate so much time and effort for a Switch only version. While in all probability they'd be much better off using all available hands on focusing on 6th generation MonHun (the next game to come out) and its expantion.
There are only 3 scenarions where Switch gets a MonHun game:
-It's exclusive, but not a real MonHun. Instead it would be a spin-off like an RPG, village building game, small dungeon crawler project, etc.
-It's also releasing on phones, something that Switch can handle but also has a much larger market that justifies its development.
-It's also releasing on PS/Xbox/PC, but this is unlikely as casuals would think of it as a sequel to World and would be confused as to why it looks so shit and took steps back design-wise. It would be harmful for the brand and a risky move.
Are you really going to start using the cope card after coping hard for almost 3 years? You've been shitting up every MHW thread since day 1.
>Get World
>still complain when you don't get World-Lite
What the fuck is wrong with consolefags
show me where its stated that its switch exclusive
ill wait
>Switch gets an exclusive.
>threads flooded with port beggars
Like pottery.
what even is this post? did you watch the trailer
I love seeing poorfags cry. Feels good owning every console and a great gaming PC so I can experience anything available. I love it when a game comes exclusively to a platform, that way I get to experience it in a unique way (opposed to everything just coming to PC like some PCfags wish would happen) and I get to see Twitter trash rage. I already got two PS5s preordered, that way I get to keep one and have a Sonyggar pay for it by scalping the other.
The Japanese market loving Monster Hunter and loving portable Monster Hunter is enough to justify development of a Switch title
copypasta from about 3-4 days ago.
It's pasta
>that way I get to experience it in a unique way
>NOOOOOOOO!!! Give it back only Im allowed to make money with a 3rd party game!
Can't believe the leak from a few days ago was actually real.
Yeah but the systems that helped MonHun really get established were PSP and 3DS.
The Freedom titles did better than their console equivalents
It's true though, especially in the case of the Switch. PS4 and Xbone less so, but there's something to be said about the convenience and seamless ability to just plug and play with consoles that PC doesn't have. I have my PC hooked up to my TV so I can play PC games on the couch if I want (even have a lapboard for wireless KB/M) but playing God of War on my PS4 was a great experience. If it was on PC I could have better graphics and smoother game play, but most likely experience issues, or a shoddy port (Like Horizon), but I don't have to deal with that on a PS4. It just works. PC gaming always requires a bit of extra input, especially concerning HDR support because Win10 HDR is a fucking shit show. I will always buy on PC if it's available because I usually get better graphics, performance, and control over my game, as well as mods, even if it takes a little extra effort to get going, but once in a while I like to just sit down and play on a console where it doesn't require any effort. I also like achievements/trophies
Show me one post begging for a port in this thread..
are Worlds players just not going to play Worlds anymore or something?
That's a great argument and i somewhat agree.
Although i still think that the convenience of having everything on one machine and allowing everyone to experience a game is superior to exclusivity.
Who doesn't own a switch by now? I mean I would wait until the upgraded version next year now that we know it exists, but it seems like everyone I know IRL has one. I had a get together a few months ago and there were 6+ switches in my house at one point since it's just a common gaming system that people carry around these days.
Idk all this asshurt just seems weird. I find it hard to believe that people are out here ONLY playing on a PS4. Why would you do that?
>upgraded version next year
why lie?
Wonder if any will get that collage started
Do your own research, the rumor is pretty plausible and was reported by every major gaming outlet. Besides, you think Nintendo would pass up a chance to sell the Switch to us again? C'mon.
I really hope that the guy this copypasta originated from is the same guy that was insistent that SMTV was being cancelled for the Switch and would instead be on PS4/PS5. Being blown out twice like that would be delicious
If I had the choice I would drop Sony out of the equation and have those exclusives come to PC because the PS4/PS5 doesn't really offer any benefits to me as a PC gamer. That being said, I don't mind it, because I'm not in a position where I have to choose between upgrading my PC or buying a PS5, and the asshole in me just thinks it's funny when people rage on social media or on Zig Forums about exclusives. Nintendo really is a different story though, because all of their consoles offer a different experience, and I wouldn't want to give up on the Switch's portability or the Wii's motion controls (Yeah some of it was gimmicky, but some of it worked really well and the games were fun) to have access to those games on the PC. Also Nintendo consoles have always been easy to mod and my Wii, Wii U, and Switch are all modded. The Wii U is hands down one of the best emulator experiences available.