Expected to run at 120 FPS on PS5

>expected to run at 120 FPS on PS5
how did sony do this? I'm genuinely curious as a pcfag

Attached: Devil-May-Cry-5-Special-Edition-featured-image.png (1088x612, 808.69K)

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It's almost like it's bullshit and we should wait before we take the word of Sony

Attached: inqn3jcyldz41.jpg (720x549, 63.05K)

RE Engine runs on black magic

DMC5 isn't exactly demanding m8.
Even an RX 5600 XT can max the game out and run it at 120 FPS at 1080p.

I think it's been confirmed to run 120 FPS they have something called a "High Framerate Mode" but how is that possible with the hardware on the PS5???

Attached: dmc.jpg (2048x1152, 588.42K)

DMCV never looked impressive

>RX 5600 XT
not true, maybe something a little better, then yeah. DMC can barely run on my PC and i have 5600.

Attached: devil-may-cry-5-1920-1080.png (500x730, 51.03K)

>how is that possible with the hardware on the PS5???
Probably only at like 1080p.

Lower the settings and be done with it, the game is pretty well optimized.

Why wouldn't it be possible
It runs at 192 fps average on a 2080 ti

Question: will the game even run at 120fps on a standard television set with 60hz refresh rate? Seems like the doubled framerate is pointless for 99% of the population.

Low settings with lots of ugly AA

DMC5's assets aren't exactly taxing. You dont have a billion pieces of fucking foliage and bushes fucking your engine into oblivion

You sound retarded

It looks like dogshit outside of Photomode and Cutscenes, that's how.

It runs on shit lighting, bad aliasing, and horrible alpha rendering.

Attached: dmc5actualgraphics2.jpg (756x1080, 108.54K)

That is correct user, this is only so console fanboys shitpost about it on all vidya forums even though none of them will use the feature. Free advertisement

A ps5 is not anywhere close to a 2080ti.

the secret is that it won’t
i don’t know why sony always tries to push “WE HAVE GREAT GRAPHICS”. no, microsoft always surprass you in graphics, they had to nerf sigma 2 because it couldn’t handle that many enemies.
the psx and ps2 didn’t became famous for having great graphics, but for having great exclusives. just hire more companies to make more great game.
and also put it on pc 1 year later, don’t care if PCfags will later laugh at you, they’re retarded anyways, at least the not retarded side of the fandom can enjoy them

10 TFLOPs on PS5 vs 14 on the 2080 ti
Even without any optimizations at all that's 71% the compute. 71% of 192 is 136

I ran this 120 fps on my 6 year old 980. I dont know how this is supposed to be impressive

I knew you'd pull tflops bullshit. Tflops mean literally nothing in practice you retard.

You run on seething

>I think it's been confirmed
I think I tounge your anus but I'd like IGN to first verify I do so I can know for sure. Confirmation doesn't mean shit until we have webms/links on this board proving 120fps.


Attached: devil-may-cry-5-1920-1080.png (500x490, 37.04K)

>Don't Miss a Single Twitch with
High Framerate Mode
>Enable High Framerate Mode and catch every last movement--up to a smoking 120FPS!

>up to a
And there it is

...if anything the console with a newer GPU architecture would be able to do more per TFLOP
But I'm the retard lmao. Show me what data you're using to say "the ps5 is nowhere near a 2080 ti" then

>how did sony do this
Please, if it was sony's choice they'd have it run at the cinematic 24fps.

look up what tfllops are retard, you literally don't know what you're talking about. You can have a million tflops but it doesn't matter if the cpu, ram, or heat dissipation sucks ass. God I fucking hate snoys.

>300 fps
How the fuck?

30 fps is for losers heh

>up to a

So its confirmed a budget tier last gen gpu 2060 is stronger than a ps5?

>how did sony do this? I'm genuinely curious as a pcfag
lower resolution and/or turn off meme tracing
this is a ps4 game, it's not particularly demanding