Moero Crystal

This came out on Switch today and noones talking about it.

Attached: 6C9FE4EC-866D-4C7A-B511-5A9BAE8669A0.jpg (1280x720, 221.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:,wn

no need to, it's just a decent DRPG with fanservice in it. looks way better than Moero Chronicle but still not as good as Demon Gaze.
I'm gonna wait for a PC port

I'm not going to drop 40€ on it, I'll get it next year when it's 20 or so.

Isn't this just the vita game re-released with extras?

yes, it's the sequel that stayed japan-exclusive until now

Yes, but it's the first time it gets localized.

Already bought it. Luanna best girl

This looks kind of generic. Is there anything about it that really stands out compared to something like, say, Disgaea?

Its just a first person dungeon crawler with some basic party building and tons of fan service, not gonna lie I enjoyed the first one so ill grab this one too

Waiting for my physical copy to come in the mail. Not sure how long that's going to take, though, so I'll just play some other games in the meantime.

it's just as whimsical and lighthearted as disgaea, but it doesn't have any outstanding characteristics like Disgaea's character designer or music. it looks generic exactly because they couldn't pay more for someone famous.
also Disgaea is tactical, while this is a dungeon crawler

I like dungeon crawlers and party building. I'll try it out then. Having it be a first-person game, that's actually kind of interesting, .

Id never played a DROG before and Moero Chronicle actually really got me into the genre

If you want a much better game in the same engine from the same company, I recommend Mary Skelter 2 instead, it's the same price but includes two games (the first one as well).,wn
oh, hm. I'd gotten the impression from it being in first-person that it was a hack-and-slash or something. I like turn-based games but they usually have to have something more going for them, like great characters, art, or just a really fun battle system. Disgaea 5's story was kinda weak but the battle system was so much fun it more than powered through, I'm not sure I'm really getting that vibe from this trailer.

Because it's bad

Demon Gaze is also trash

>Compile Heart shit

Really? I'll keep that in mind
oh, I've wanted to try the Mary Skelter games for a while now. Might be worth a shot then

I prerdered the limited edition physical and am waiting for it.

Any big differences between this and the first game? Also how the fuck do you properly use the touch controls? I never got it down.

well you can't tell a good story, characters or battle system from a trailer tho
either from this game or from Disgaea, for that matter

your mom is trash

You got the limited edition version, right?

Attached: moero-crystal-h-limited-edition-629581.11.jpg (1500x1500, 378.95K)

All blobbers are trash, but they're fun trash
They're also basically not being made any more so you gotta settle for the least shitty shit and deal as a bobber fan

Yeah I've preordered that. When are they shipping those out?

Because it's generic as shit like every other entry in the series
But I bet you lap up any trash compile shits out because cute girls

Dude I have no idea, i had to play in handheld cuz the touch controls straight never worked


Are you confusing this with Neptunia?

>using generic as a derogatory term
if you think OC = good then go ahead to DeviantARt

Ive never understood the hate Compile Heart got around here

Mine shipped out today. But give the revolution in Hong Kong and how Trump has fucked up the US postal service to try and rig the election in America. Your guess is as good as mine as to when they'll arrive.

To be fair, the vast majority of the Neptunia series is mediocre while Record of Agarest War is a bunch of glorified mobile games.