how the hell did he bang a tr4nny and didn't notice?
How the hell did he bang a tr4nny and didn't notice?
The only good troon in any game ever.
Probably with the lights off, some people are just like that.
Was a virgin but iirc he did say something about it felt off
Because it's a video game. Same reason the tranny actually looks indistinguishable from a woman.
Toby's a fucking idiot so I imagine it's entirely possible he pounded that ass while thinking Erin's dick was just a giant floppy clit.
>tfw last ex would never have sex unless the room was completely black so she didnt have to see me
A)He was a virgin and still said something felt off.
B)Catherine takes place far enough in the future that the general public can buy tickets to space.
damn I wish I was him
which one
it's called rohypnol
Whats for dinner tonight puff mama? Chili?
toby because fuck being a tranny nigga
What's worse his friends knew and they all laughing at him behind his back. wtf.
why didn't his """friends""" warn him? fucking assholes
That sucks, like a lot of people I can be insecure of my own body but I think I can compensate my physical shortcomings with some talent in bed.
Atlus notoriously dislikes LGBTQ people.
Probably never saw a vagina before and assumed all women's vaginas look like mutilated cocks.
everyone has to get hiv from erika to be part of the gang
He was a virgin, it was dark, and she passes very well.
>doggy style only
>said she preffered anal so he could cum inside
pick one or all, i dunno
Was Erika pre-op or post -op?
Because they only pretending that she's a tranny. She's actually a girl biologically.
it is pretty funny
His so called friends knew the entire time and didn't warn him
I always was under the influence it was a dude with a pussy
Do you really think that retard would have actually believed them if they warned him?
I know for sure he wouldn't, because it would be funnier that way.
well it's not like they aren't assholes to each other
hes an idiot, i thought they made that clear
I just beat this game the other night. It was pretty fun. Her being a tranny was a surprised to me. I didn't really noticed. I enjoyed that it wasn't shoved on my face that she is a tranny.
that's because this was made years before trannies were the most important people in the world so japanese perverts could just do their thing in peace