Raid leader yelled at me so I left the guild. They couldn't do Twin Emperors this week and the whole server is starved of warlocks. I feel good.
Raid leader yelled at me so I left the guild...
who the fuck asked
I've been thinking about leaving too since the atmosphere has deteriorated and there hasn't been any improvement in months.
You know what I'm here for
Human on Panda sex is the best
I miss my panda
Too bad the game is garbage and isn't worth reinstalling
Quit the game now.
congrats, unsub
Why did he yell at you?
Made for CHADpera
Don't touch me foxlet
Pandas are for human cock only
she looks like she is mating with a man of homo sapiens lineage
cute turtle
based /hmoaf/ chad
Source? Also why did he yell at you? Was it deserved?
>Furfaggot can't take criticism
Goddamn you faggots are fucking insufferable. Stay in your fucking containment general, and stop making a dozen different generals on /trash/.
She looks like she fucks human men
Where did you get this picture of me.
You will never be a fox
Hand over the fem peanders
Post more thicc pandas.
Also, use the opportunity to quit WoW for good.
If you aren't attractive enough for human women, you'd never be attractive enough for furry women. Especially when their males have twice the dick size.
Not surprising but I mean those chubby Panderan girls are cute and fuckable as hell.
gamers look! i finally did it! i captured a panda wife!
Human on anthro is the best you furfag
thankfully i am. keep coping
Nah. It's shit. You fags also only leech off of everyone else, and can never produce your own content.
Now triple that guy's weight and put a receding hairline and that's you.
quadruple the mass of jupiter and the density of mercury and that's you.
>there are people who get home from a stressful day at work just to have some fat NEET retard raid leader yell at them
Why do MMOfags do it?
this happened to me and i instantly quit wow
>implying the losers who play mmos have jobs