Does Capcom really think everyone is this retarded?

Does Capcom really think everyone is this retarded?

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they're pissed off that pc players modded vergil in

How fucking petty is that. I am seething

The new consoles use secret, non-PC-based tech.

Says who? New consoles are more PC-like than ever

lad are you taking the piss?

More like Capcom is, but yeah.

>At present, there are no plans
this is PR speak for "we're being paid to keep it timed exclusive"

>Does Capcom really think everyone is this retarded?
it's just market speak. Either
A: like user says, there's time exclusivity at work, or
B: they just don't wanna spend the money on a PC port

capcom knows most pc fags are laptop players

the intel hd graphics will never support those effects pc sois

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This. The vast majority of Capcom's deconfirmations by saying "there are no plans" are in reality delayed releases.

>DmC:DMC:SE still isn't on PC

Yeah I don't trust them.

yeah, I'm sure the new gamemode takes a lot of processing power, you unimaginable fucking retard

Love seeing pc fats get their just desserts.


Because everyone IS retarded

>*also not on PC

DMC4SE didn't have any graphical improvement (beside more resolutions) they just added new characters to existing game modes, why should I believe DMCVSE is any different, and this game just came out like last year.

Capcom is pissed at PC players because they modded in classic costumes, Turbo mode and Vergil already.

Mother fucker I just bought DMC5 recently on PC. FUCK YOU CRAPCOM

They said they're adding ray-tracing, dingus

you must be having a blast since PC always gets the short end of the stick. We're always waiting on some kind of exclusivity. At least we fucking get most games nowadays. There was a time when we got fuck all.

Capcom kinda been tripping around lately, have to wonder if the redemption arc was a fluke.

>non-PC-based tech

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Did they have some kind of legal obligation to mention this? Not like anyone would have known.

this makes me even more angry. man what the fuck capcom it's already running on a PC and you faggots """"can't take the time to port it""""?

i don't think capcom made final fantasy 16 but i will double check

Give it some time. They will milk normal DMC5 players with the Vergil DLC most likely.

You're missing the point. If a PC can emulate the whole "PS5 experience", it can do anything that a PS5 can. There's no such thing as a PC-based tech that a PC cannot run, you absolute dipshit.

I'm pretty sure the guy who made that original post was being facetious m8, please calm yourself.

This was from the FF16 trailer