Do you run a gaming youtube channel, anons?

do you run a gaming youtube channel, anons?

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yes but im not shilling it

no but please like and subscribe and don't forget to follow me on patreon!

that's fine.
how long have you been at it?

>h-hello guys
>today i'm going uhh to play bayonetta
>*breathing noises*
>silence for 90% of the playthough

yeah. well, sort of. I get paid to write scripts for one

Yes but I mostly do non commentary bs

i’d prefer 100% but i’ll take it


about lgbt games

you mean like silent playthroughs?
and how is your channel doing?
did you manage to build a small community?

how do you prefer to act on your channel - just be yourself or screaming and overreacting?


unless you have a shit ton of charisma by default I think most people benefit from playing themselves up at least slightly.
screaming and crying is stupid unless you're dedicating yourself to the bit of looking like a manchild

any tips for improving your voice?

Yeah for about 5 years. Only gotten about 70 subscribers. Never intended to make money. It's an after work hobby. My Plan was to make a video each month all year this year. Then end 2020 with my overall thoughts on gaming from 1985, when I was born, till now. Then abandon the channel.

70 subs after 5 years?
do you even network, sir?

Nope. Just post and move on. I hate being asked to "like and sub" so I don't. figured if I made anything decent someone would just share it. Obviously I have never made anything worthwhile. But It's sort of ok. I did it for myself as a creative outlet. I regret nothing.

no I only consume porn

Tried it, but I'm getting a better PC first. Little odds and ends I'm going to do. Right now I'm working on a 100% nightmare run of some Quake maps while I have my shit tier PC.

>I hate being asked to "like and sub"
i mean you don't have to. i hate doing that as well.
you could for example participate in discussion on twitter. i don't like twitter but it can give you a nice boost of viewers.

on a side note, do you think you get better at the commentary?

One of my DMC3 SS rank videos had over a thousand views last I checked so that’s pretty sweet.

Been thinking about it for awhile now, not sure what direction to start with or even how get views without shilling. Kinda tempted to just piss around on minecraft and record some stuff since I've been enjoying that anyway.

Or maybe just play through my backlog and post some gameplay

Any tips? Mostly just wanna do it for fun, maybe get a small following.

yea but I don't really want to make it public
I just
I just wanna play games

Probably. I think I became a bit more concise while doing larger videos. I probably don't stand out because I'm fairly average. It's just a lot of work and Im bad with things like photo shop and editing. So the quality is low.

I don’t but I did make a channel when I was 17 and I filmed myself doing a sting operation of sorts and uploaded it online for shits and giggles thinking it would make a fun people laugh, I posted the link around a couple forums and a couple YouTube comments and suddenly it blew up and got like 10k in a week so I got a friend and we did another sting operation and posted it on reddit and it literally went viral and made news and got a million views. Luckily my face was covered and not shown or else I’d be humiliated. After it went viral I got 10k subscribers in a week and it got scared of the fame and expectations of people and deleted the channel and pretended like it never existed.

I upload videos of myself playing Beat Saber occasionally. I've also recorded some nice combos I came up with in platinum games

I'm not gonna skirt around the fact that I'm probably being a blatant rip off but I've been trying to do weekly casual commentaries like old star and jerma, I still need work with editing and audio work but I'm getting more comfortable talking

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>Any tips?
i'd say just start. what i do is record me playing any games i'm interested in and that aren't boring for a month and then i pick like 2-3 games whose recording turned out well and make a series out of them. but i don't do any funny screams or shit like that. just genuine reactions as if i'd play a game myself. for me it's more of a creative project just like except i try to actively build a community as organically as possible(without shilling for likes/subs and so on)

i see that's cool.
i personally just keep it simple for editing aspect of it. as in i just cut boring stuff out and that's really it. maybe an image or two to show what i'm talking about in case that is required.

Good to keep it simple. Good luck.

>but I'm getting more comfortable talking
what would you say had the biggest effect in getting you more comfortable at talking?

also, do you have a good voice or do you do some sort of voice training before recording?