Are we living in a new Golden Age of Vidya?

Atelier Ryza 2
Final Fantasy XVI
Demon's Souls Remake
Project Athia
No More Heroes 3
Tales of Arise
Balan Wonderworld
Baldur's Gate 3
Port Royale 4
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Mario 3D All Stars
Cyberpunk 2077
Scarlet Nexus
Dying Light 2
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Watch_Dogs Legion
Monster Hunter Rise
Hollow Knight: Silksong
Dragon Age 4
Pathfinders Wrath of the Righteous
Nocturne Remake
Age of Empires 4
Elden Ring
Bayonetta 3
Diablo 4
Kerbal Space Program 2
Bravely Default II
Persona 5 Scramble
Crash Bandicoot 4
Psychonauts 2
New Pokemon Snap
King of Fighters XV
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
Sakura: Of Rice and Ruin
Cris Tales
Greak Memories of Azur
Hitman 3
LOTR Gollum
Resident Evil 8
Ghostwire Tokyo
Horizon Forbidden West
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

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Other urls found in this thread:

ive never had a gf.


>Are we living in a new Golden Age of Vidya?
>list of pure, unbridled garbage

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stop posting this whore until she get her tits out


Attached: katana.gif (360x276, 2.42M)

i'm ugly with a little dick, I don't talk to girls and never touched a boob

the new golden vidya age would have vr/sense tech that would allow me to bust a massive nut into that chicks cleavage - so no, we aren't living in it.

If you missed out in high school/college work is the only option and thats risky territory. I got mine in high school and locked her down.


Can I get sauce on this dumb bitch?

you didn't miss anything

Neither has OP.


there is no girl with big milkers like this that hasn't been molested by an uncle, that's why their neurotic messes who dye their hair and beg you to choke them
t. uncle

majority of these titles are going to be trash but you'll still consoom them because you're brain is trash.
disregarding the fact that the majority of these titles are also series continuations, nothing original ever comes out anymore.

It's not worth it. Tons of having to change who you are fundamentally to appeal to another person, who will try to change you more and more until you're exactly what they want.
>hurr i'd never fall for that
you'd never have a lasting relationship. Shit is cancerous, it's always, ALWAYS about control. Modern times, just forget it, everyone's so paranoid about everything they'll constantly be going through your phone and emails and asking what you're doing 24/7, to a point you'll become suspicious and start doing it too.
Just be happy man, Be happy with yourself, that's the key. If someone wants to join you for the ride through life, let them, but never give up who you are. And don't "seek out" love, it never works.

no never ever.

Holy shit I didn't know they announced a new RaC game! Thankyou so much OP you're the greatest.

post tit webms

>Atelier Ryza 2
weeb shit
>Final Fantasy XVI
weeb shit
>Demon's Souls Remake
>Project Athia
nobody knows what this is, probably weeb shit
>No More Heroes 3
>Tales of Arise
weeb shit
>Balan Wonderworld
nobody knows what this is
>Baldur's Gate 3
>Port Royale 4
nobody knows what this is
>Yakuza: Like a Dragon
weeb shit
>Mario 3D All Stars
>Cyberpunk 2077
tranny shit
>Scarlet Nexus
nobody knows what this is
>Dying Light 2
>Assassin's Creed Valhalla
asscreed lol
>Watch_Dogs Legion
>Monster Hunter Rise
nobody knows what this is
>Hollow Knight: Silksong
indie shit
nobody knows what this is
>Dragon Age 4
tranny shit
>Pathfinders Wrath of the Righteous
>Nocturne Remake
nobody knows what this is
>Age of Empires 4
>Elden Ring
nobody knows what this is
>Bayonetta 3
>Diablo 4
>Kerbal Space Program 2
indie shit
normalfag shit
nobody knows what this is
>Bravely Default II
weeb shit
>Persona 5 Scramble
weeb shit
>Crash Bandicoot 4
crash lmao
>Psychonauts 2
shit shit
>New Pokemon Snap
who the fuck cares
>King of Fighters XV
weeb fightan shit
sounds like weeb shit
>Kena: Bridge of Spirits
nobody knows what this is
>Sakura: Of Rice and Ruin
nobody knows what this is
>Cris Tales
nobody knows what this is
>Greak Memories of Azur
nobody knows what this is
>Hitman 3
>LOTR Gollum
>Resident Evil 8
>Ghostwire Tokyo
nobody knows what this is
>Horizon Forbidden West
nobody knows what this is
>Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
dead series shit

no we're in the dark ages user

Zig Forums has so many mental patients, holy fuck

>Atelier Ryza 2
>Final Fantasy XVI
>Demon's Souls Remake
>Project Athia
>No More Heroes 3
>Tales of Arise
>Balan Wonderworld
>Baldur's Gate 3
>Port Royale 4
>Yakuza: Like a Dragon
>Mario 3D All Stars
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Scarlet Nexus
>Dying Light 2
>Assassin's Creed Valhalla
>Watch_Dogs Legion
>Monster Hunter Rise
>Hollow Knight: Silksong
>Dragon Age 4
>Pathfinders Wrath of the Righteous
>Nocturne Remake
>Age of Empires 4
>Elden Ring
>Bayonetta 3
>Diablo 4
>Kerbal Space Program 2
>Bravely Default II
>Persona 5 Scramble
>Crash Bandicoot 4
>Psychonauts 2
>New Pokemon Snap
>King of Fighters XV
>Kena: Bridge of Spirits
>Sakura: Of Rice and Ruin
>Cris Tales
>Greak Memories of Azur
>Hitman 3
>LOTR Gollum
>Resident Evil 8
>Ghostwire Tokyo
>Horizon Forbidden West
>Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
All of these are or will be shit. This is not a "golden age". We are in the end times. Video games will die this year.

being ugly doesn't matter so long as you clean yourself up, don't dress like shit, and have a sense of humor.
also if you've reached the point in a relationship where a girl actually wants to see your dick, she probably isn't going to care about its size unless you have a micropenis

I didn't get one until I was 28
Worth the wait, though. I was able to meet a person I'm truly compatible with.

Ratchet and Clank and Crash are great series that I'm stoked to see making new titles.

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>Demon's Souls Remake
You're so fucking dumb.

>Console exclusives
It's trash, Tim.

gave me a little hope. Tell me how you met her and how it was adjusting to being in a relationship for the first time that late in your life

Why would I care if they're console exclusives? I love those series.

>He fell for the Vaginaljew

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>tfw 29
i wish i could blow my brains out

where do you live user?

>Owning modern consoles
This is who infests Zig Forums these days

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Here's your new Golden Age of Vidya Sonychad.

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You have to try by approaching them. I've done it twice in school and three times at work. Doesn't matter if you're a dork I got all these girls to come hangout at my house where I live with my parents and they could care less. They were all cuties too.

source is evy rosas



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I'm not a poorfag, it's much cheaper than taking a vacation. Also I've always loved Ratchet and Clank, I wouldn't miss one of their games if it was a nintendo exclusive.

>approach them
>at best get an awkward "no" or "i already have a boyfriend", they laugh or at worst they go to HR to accuse you of harassment.

It's mostly overrated. Don't get me wrong, I miss my ex, but that's only because I hate like 98% of people. I do miss having someone to smoke weed with, just talk to about shit, just someone to vent with, someone to sleep next to at night...someone to go on walks with, just someone that's constantly there to do shit with. I don't miss the arguments, the fights, the attitudes, mood swings, the nagging, etc etc. Relationships are give and take, it takes actual work, it's nothing like your retarded anime or rom-com movies. The whole "love at first sight, soulmates shtick" is absolute bullshit. It takes actual work and commitment to make a relationship work. I do miss burying my face in her neck or smelling her hair...but then I remember the bad times and I snap right out of it.

Nice blog

I have. Don't do it. Not because it isn't nice, because it's great. It's just so much worse to know what you're missing once you lose it, and knowing you'll never find that again.

Well it would be a miracle if Ratchet and Clank went back to their PS2 personality and humor.

Met completely by chance at a book store.
We started chatting casually and found out we had a lot in common, so we became friends. Grew very close through the next few years and one thing lead to another. It was completely out of left field, as I was never interested in a relationship before then, but somehow I just fell for her.
It wasn't really much of an adjustment at all. She already, embarrassingly, had a better job than I did, and owned her own house, so we mostly just talked via phone and hung out on the weekends. We got married a couple of years after we started dating, which was the biggest change, since I wasn't used to living with someone else, but it wasn't bad or anything, just felt a bit weird.
There's always hope, even if you've given up. Just be careful. I know that most situations like mine don't work out nearly as well, but if it's something you feel is worth trying, then go for it.
Good luck, user.

You're confused. At work or school you see them regularly so you talk to them like any other acquaintance for a week or two and then ask if they wanna hang out. Also HR isn't a thing when you're a wagie.

>I'm not a poorfag
So what? I have enough money to go out and buy twenty PS5's if I want to right now. Just because you can afford awful things doesn't mean you should buy them.

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unless you're actually creepy toward them you will not get accused of harassment.
hell, just play it off as if you want to get to know them as a friend and you'll be perfectly fine.

>Also HR isn't a thing when you're a wagie.
But it is

"Creepy" just means "not attractive."

To be in a golden age we would need the industry to stop spamming games for coomsumers,zoomers,triple As every day and games that are basically a movie, and instead going back to try make new shit and create interesting ideas for games.You'll see gaming reaching a new golden age around the same time EA and Activision will go under

meant for woops

Ding ding ding

We have a winner


Unless you're physically deformed, you can make yourself look passable.

Bullshit. Also, The Onion has a headline/story/picture for every scenario.


if "not attractive" means "having a shitty personality, smelling like piss, and obviously checking her out constantly" than sure, keep believing that
ugly people can and have gotten with 10s before because they know how to compensate for their shortcomings instead of just accepting them and complaining that they can't do any better


Only post in this thread not a piece of shit.

Could he be the same "Japan is saving gaming" autist?

true, but its all in the charm. I'm a solid 4/10 and I've only had bad reactions from under 10% of the girls I hit on at work. Advances have to come off likes jokes sometime, its called flirting.

I don't understand.

Who's this cute tomboy?

>the onion

nice blog

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Of course you don't

Continue to cope.

that's a man

Mind explaining?
I still don't understand.

>Muh weebshit
I hope you get raped by a giant nigger.

>Normalscum can't even greentext correctly
Imagine my shock

How big are we talking?

apparently every cis female is a man

>>Normalscum can't even greentext correctly
>Imagine my shock

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listen to these two guys anons

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two birds of a feather at the very least.

They're implying you're physically deformed and you're coping by saying what you said.

Unless you were born a 10/10 gigachad, working on your appearance is the biggest cope of all time.


>nobody knows what this is
stealth/action from the guys who made dusk

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Every male is half female, since they have one female and one male sex chromosome.
So every man is actually a tranny, which explains why people on Zig Forums hate women and call them men.

>27 and starting to bald
I knew it was going to happen but I figured I'd be wrestling with this in 10 years, not now. Didn't even have the balls to fully commit to a buzzcut at the start of lockdown to see what I'd look like. Fuck.