XV made me losfaith in the series.
XII, XIII, XII-2, XIII-3 and XIV didn't do that already?
>bland character design
>generic medieval settlements
>subpar voice acting
>wonky animation
>plot revolves around a little kid, of all things
>drab in-game world
ps5 exclusive correct? I play on PC and this game is at least 2 years away. And it's an exclusive so... 3-5 years after that? if ever? hard to get excited about a game 7 years off unless i cave and buy a ps5 (i won't)
>Literally a thread every half-hour
>WhY iS nO oNe TaLkInG AbOuT ThIs GaMe???/
I loved this one though not as a FF game if that makes any sense, XV was the final straw.
XII is pure kino, but the rest you are correct on.
>your thread
Of course not, it's based.
I actually meant XI I forgot which one was the MMO, but yeah Final Fantasy has been dogshit for longer than most of 4channel has been alive
The media and development of this game is the opposite of every other FF reveal this decade, so I'm genuinely hype.
>I'll assume everything about this game based on a 4 minute trailer
Truly a FF fag
Nobody gives a fuck about this game outside of Zig Forums, Harry Potter curbstomped it. Final Fantasy is a deadbrand aside from the insane people dickriding XIV
I'm talking about the trailer, not the whole game
XII isn't a FF, it is Vagrant Story 2.
>WRPG-themed Final Fantasy that looks like a Witcher knock off
>Zig Forums struggles to pretend to love it after slamming WRPGs and the Witcher 3 all day every day
Final Fantasy stopped being fun at FFX-2
I don't agree with that at all. Maybe in aesthetics.
Best new announcement at the PS5 showcase, and I am not normally a Final Fantasy guy. I guess that doesn't really bode well for actual FF fans since it looks to be doubling down on the Action part of ARPGs, but when I see an ARPG from the combat designer of Dragon's Dogma, I pay attention.
It said "also available on PC", in fact the reveal trailer was running on PC.
>from the combat designer of Dragon's Dogma
So it's fucking nothing
Well it looked alot better than ff15.
It'll probably be like FFXV, PC version in 2024 or something.
Nah, it didn't. It is a limited time exclusive. Then again, FF 15 pc Edition took like 3 years to get out.
I read somewhere long ago that it was initially supposed to be VS2 but development stalled and they changed it to FF12.
the only people that care about FF these days want convoluted weeb trash, this doesn't pander to them so they're mad
game looks fucking cool
>plot revolves around a little kid, of all things
What the fuck does it even mean, most games have nothing in common with each other besides some monsters and classes/skills
japanese games getting tainted by western trash
been hoping for a medieval FF, didnt think it could look so bland though. why does the mc look like an npc
deal with it weeb
FF has looked "western" since VI you fucking retard
Pretty sure every final fantasy is inspired by Western trash you big fat fagget.
Here's your children's fantasy game bro
whoa, so epic! just like game of thrones!
>6 threads up
>Series literally started as a DnD rip off
Are you like 12 or something? Western influences have always been part of FF
XII is kino, and XIV has one of the best stories in the series despite being an MMO. XIII is the worst Final Fantasy game and every other bad game in the series is an off-shoot of XIII, since XV started as Versus XIII. We're now past that era.
FF has always been relatively niche in the scheme of things. It's well known among RPG fans but outside that it's a lot less of a thing. Of course fucking Harry Potter is getting more attention. You don't beat harry potter in general, it's a cultural behemoth. It's nothing to measure against
XIII Was garbage, but XIII-3 was so off the rails, I loved it.
god i hate zoomers. Every edgy fantasy goes to this shit. Atleast go to Tactics.