Why are mobile game ads so hilariously bad?

Why are mobile game ads so hilariously bad?

Attached: b56f96c030cf_0.webm (800x797, 1.77M)

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Because the more ridiculous they are the more likely you are to click on them out of morbid curiosity. It's a marketing thing.

Indian people are barely getting phones, so there's a lot of money to be made still.

It's an issue as old as the old cartoons that have poor animation/bad cells. They pawn it off on the cheapest animators they can get, end up with a bad product, and just roll with it.

Only the filthiest of casuals play on mobile and they'll play literally anything since they have no standards at all so there's no reason to make a decent game.

What happened to truth in advertising? That's what I want to know about mobile ads. Remember the shit for like AFK arena? Where it made it seem like it was a CYOA game like that almost? But no it's just an AFK grindan like the name suggests. I know it's just like said, but you'd think it'd be at least a little representative of the game itself.


>the virgin weebshit vs the chad mafia city

Attached: mafia city.webm (720x720, 2.33M)

A truthful, honest ad would make people click less because the actual game is shit. It's basically a legal scam. They make a shitty garbage game, then they make hilarious and weird ads to trick people into playing and spending a few dollars.
Making a realistic, honest ad is the absolute worst move they could possibly make.

Attached: 1598035369228.webm (360x360, 2.94M)

Is anyone else seeing a bunch of low quality ads on Youtube's mobile app about Biden?
>5 second clips that cut off in the middle of sentences
>text on top like it's a tweet
>generic "chill" music
>360 degree view with gyroscope tracking for no reason
I'm convinced literal boomers made these.

Attached: 1459811488223.jpg (554x603, 199.36K)


Name a single game with lore as deep as Lily's Garden

wtf, abe would be so proud.

This is hilarious, even though I know it's unrelated to the game it makes me want to try it. Good marketing.


>watching jewtube
>not using adblock

>it's another pull the pin puzzle mobile ad
>none of the fucking games that have it as an ad actually use it as a game

oh shit this is GOTY material

Seriously why do so many ads use the pin puzzle?

>he doesn't have a phone to shitpost on the job and get paid for it
>he doesn't have a phone to listen to youtube trash in the car during commutes
>he doesn't have infinite knowledge at his fingertips whenever he needs whenever he's away from home
But lemme guess, NEET life is so much more "comfy" than having basic privileges of living in the 20th century amirite?


>child has red hair
>he doesn't
fucking disgusting

>fuck teacher
>acquire presidency
wtf based

Holy based

>But lemme guess, NEET life is so much more "comfy" than having basic privileges of living in the 20th century amirite?
This but unironically

They're made by ESLs for ESLs, the best way to get attention is to recycle tried and true ecchi tropes as quickly and bluntly as possible

Why did they mean like this?

Attached: ITAQ8551.png (835x645, 79.78K)

>But lemme guess, NEET life is so much more "comfy" than having basic privileges of living in the 20th century amirite?

Attached: yes.png (680x709, 243.33K)

remember this gem?


Literally just downloaded no ad YouTube
Takes like a minute

thats just how politics work

Attached: 1581994059412.jpg (3500x3500, 1.72M)

Did you mean to say "based"?

Attached: 1596966128780.webm (608x604, 2.32M)

>ditches underage slut for ara ara mama mommy milf with big milkers

will they ever patch this exploit?

Attached: 1547342075536.webm (480x480, 2.74M)

who the fuck would raise the child of another man? must be difficult as fuck

Attached: 1556702890963.jpg (525x478, 18.31K)

>Using (((Google))) services

Attached: 1600028255463.png (323x356, 127.21K)

>20th century
Burger education strikes again.

Is that FF mobile pin pull game ad real?

have you ever heard of recessive genes, user

Why did the baby go to jail?