I really hope this franchise gets a chance to live again...

I really hope this franchise gets a chance to live again, playing through the game makes me want to learn more about the lore.

What are some questions you want answers to?

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one title a franchise does not make.

It was meant to be more, but I understand your point. Still, not a lot of fantasy wrpgs coming out lately that aren't full of trannyshit.

I'd like to know why they made such a boring offline MMO, when there was clearly potential there.

From what I can figure it's an MMO that they had to salvage into a single player game when it didn't pan out.

It really shows, but I didn't mind it much. Combat and good quest lines hold it up. But I hope if we ever get a sequel it'll be made with singleplayer first and foremost.

Did they ever buff faeblades? They always felt lacking damage-wise compared to the other melee weapons, and getting removed from stealth when they do a stealth attack seemed really shitty when the daggers gets to chain as much as they want

There were literally zero changes except for two things.

>a really fucking shitty and intensive shader
>loot drop tables being set to your class

I found faeblades really good for keeping up pressure, with the third attack in the combo stunning more often than not. I just wish they were faster.

Eh, they fixed the leveling.

Same here user, i love KOA, playing Re-Reckoning right now really hoping that Salvatore would continue this world one day.

The most curious thing for me is the Erathi, i guess they are supposed to be the misteryous bit of the lore, kinda like the dwener in elder scrolls, but i still would like to know more about them.

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I'd also like to learn more about the fae, particularly about their life cycle.

>What are some questions you want answers to?
Should I play the remake or is it shit?

Go for it. It's basically the original with leveling unfucked and the expacs built in.

> Male macho chad


> Elf


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Cool, thanks user

they're making an add on campaign so they really just re released it with slight upgrades to give people incentive to buy it again under their name as well as fund the new DLC

So with the levelling no longer locking zones when's a good time to enter DLCs? Kinda want some primal weapons early

I want a higher level cap and more "classes" to reflect it.
I really like the lore but I don't have many questions about it, just wished I could interact more with it.

Here's the real question. will the new "dlc" be compatible with the old version of the game. If it's not, that'ls going to kill them for me.

I want new weapons myself, but I imagine a higher level cap is more likely.

Gimme spears and gauntlets.

I really doubt it.

Doubt it

Let it go man

>game just got remastered with an expac coming
>let it go

All the weapons that are used in fate mode execution should have a moveset.

Yeah, I didn't mentioned it, but I also wanted polearms. I never considered gaunlets, but now that you mentioned it also sounds cool.

I would like to see sequel they keeps the questing and shit similar but with better world design.

That's them just trying to pay Rhode Island back any way they can

They completely redid the level scaling for enemies and lower exp so you don't level so quickly. Those changes alone are worth more than any graphical updates.

no ea owns the old version and all the revenue it garners THQ Nordic owns the re release which is why they re released it and why owners of the old version didn't get a free upgrade its essentially a "new" game but it's also an old one

You can tell that spears were intended at some point, since you see normie NPCs use them often.

I wish they wouldn't have cut it, and with a new expac coming it'd be a perfect time to add them in. Gauntlets are just something I'd like so I can box kollosae during my debates.

Definitely, the world is very corridor like and narrow. A consequence of originally being an MMO I'm guessing.

It was never originally an MMO, quit spreading this. An MMO was being made alongside this game but the two were not the same entity.

Sounds scummy and I want no part of it.

I want actual romance, you "marry" two girls and nothing happens except them referring to you as their love.
I want more skills for each weapon.
I want more weapons.
I want followers, bonus points for being able to have your spouse as your follower.
I want more abilities, more spells, more everything in the trees. Bonus points for another summon.
I want a higher level cap.
I want a transmog system.

>Sounds scummy
the game was published by EA but due to rights or bank issues rhode island came into possession of the game THQ Nordic bought the rights from rhode island but not EA so they couldn't gain possession of the original without going through EA so the solution is to re release it with updated graphics so they could actually make money off of their new IP

RI sneed here, this game and the studio behind it was all the news and local politics were talking about for 8 years and it was annoying as fuck
>game didn't make money back
>officials try to pin blame on studio, studio founder
>RI officials trying their best to deflect despite the fact they're the ones that improved the 10 mil investment
they wouldn't shut the fuck up. rhode island boomers trying to act like a videogame or film is a guaranteed return investment. what a bunch of retards

game was pretty good though

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What is transmog?
Other than that I agree with everything, except the follower parts. For me it would make more sense that the wives stayed in their courts and from time to time you would be consulted in decisions about it.

And as power fantasy, and also as a gameplay challenge, I would like to have more difficult bosses that are suppose to be immortal etc. Superbosses that make sense into the lore, in essence.

They picked a good time to do it. Amalur was overshadowed by Skyrim the year before, and Fable 3 before that. But there's been a drought of WRPGs.

What to I do about the big chest in the first town with all the super items? Are they too strong to use and ruin game balance or just a little stronger and worth taking?

I assume he means making it so you can give gear skins.

I'd like ANY followers, honestly. I agree wholeheartedly with you and I hope we get these things.

At least let me fuck my evil fae wife.

I imagine you are refering to the DLC itens from the first game.
In the first game they were pretty trash because their level was determinated by the level you enter the area, that is... 1.
But in the new version they are suppose to scale to the level when you open them.
They are better than your averange stuff, but not much more, if anything, I think they look cooler. I would wait to get them later in the game when they still look cool but are more usable instead of becoming fastly weak.