>hero is a killer that commits genocide
>but it's ok because he's the chosen one
Hero is a killer that commits genocide
>hero is a killer that commits genocide
>but it's not ok even though he's the chosen one
name ONE video game character better than anakin skywalker
i'll wait
Isn’t there some famous general in elder scrolls lore who wants to commit genocide?
i mean he did mostly exterminate the population of tyrannical space wizards, but not before one of them creating a despotic empire
Well, yes. Actually. The goddess knows best.
they deserved it
the batter?
Yes we've all read the unholy bile
>Hero is a killer that commits genocide
>pretty much nobody likes him
>late game a restaurant's chef has to beg you not to wake him up as he's drunk and passed out and made a mess of the shop
Any other character, imagine being the laughing stock of an entire generation. The prequel movies fucking suck although the prequel era is the best era because of the other media
I really love cuck porn bros... I love cuck porn so much
But she kisses like a lover would.
explain why genocide is bad without being a moralfag
Society is build upon morality. You can't ignore or disregard it.
even better, explain why genocide isn't the best strategy
society is built about violence. morality is just what you call prevailing narratives of the dominant
hm solid point *genocides you*
because we're programmed as bees to a hive, not to apes throwing shit in the jungle unlike muh will to power incels would have you believe
>explain why genocide is bad without being a moralfag
Well for one thing most people don’t like the extinction of other creatures (I know we’re talking about people but humans are just hairless apes). People got pissy after scientists developed a mutated mosquito breed to cause them to go extinct because it would also kill off some frog and bat species.
Reimu is based but Youmu is baser.
Reisen is the baisest.
I not going to kill more people than necessary, too much work.
>hm solid point *genocides you*
You see this Zig Forums? This is what happens when you don't gatekeep. This is what happens when you throw out sauce willy nilly. You get "hmm *pulls out sword and stabs u* nothin personal *glomp* shit
>Society is build upon morality
It's also built around proper grammar you shit flinging hue-monkey.
there are some races that do need to be genocided though
*cringes* Uh your post made me cringe sweetie.
If you're looking at genocide as a problem solver then you have to take it to it's eventual conclusion. You'll solve every problem if you literally kill everyone because if everyone's dead then there's nobody left to cause problems.
I read that in Spennies voice, which makes sense because you sound like a whiny faggot, just like him.
Not every game needs to be an Avellone "muh grey morality" circlejerk trying to make the player feel bad or second guess every decision they make. The bad guys are bad because they are stupid and ugly and wrong and I will happily kill them because I'm supposed to.
where can i read the lore of touhou?
i tried playing the games but it was too hard as you have to memorize all the attacks
man if there was ever someone that doesn't understand eusocial animals...
Nothing wrong with genocide unless you fail to finish the job.
*holds up spork* uhh think again, you're the fag *runs behind you and jerks you off* LOL
Because despite what TV tells you most people wouldn't go through the effort it takes to kill someone despite humans being fragile as shit since guess what there's better and more fun things to do with your time. This is why niggers aren't people because they got nothing better to do than kill each other.