How were you suppose to know to jump into this fucking random nondescript wall?

How were you suppose to know to jump into this fucking random nondescript wall?

Attached: SSL-Entrance-300x225.jpg (300x225, 11.61K)

It’s a dead end.

You jump into walls in the real world, why would you not think to do it in a video game?

Because we weren't zoomer faggots and grew up on secrets hidden behind such walls?

I ran into it while trying to catch mips and it rippled.

You were supposed to discover it accidentally by diving after the rabbit when it stops there and missing into the level

You don't because there's nothing there?


A retard 7 year old can figure it out. You have no excuse, OP. Sage for this shit thread.

Most players hit it while chasing the rabbit thing. Or read their strategy guide.

chasing the rabbit could give you a hint.
if you chase it to the dead end, chances are you might dive or punch toward it and hit wall, giving off that same shimmer effect of a level painting

>approach from left
>rabbit runs right
>catch it around the HMC entrance
What happens then?

you weren't, you only need 70 stars to beat the game

This is what the next few weeks are going to be, isn't it? Zoomers bitching about getting filtered by SM64

The water ends and the ramp leads up to a slightly elevated dry platform. This screams false wall if you've had even an ounce of video game knowledge before playing this game. It's even an area Mips the rabbit goes to on his route. You'd have to be clinically retarded to not know there's something odd about this wall. The first two levels in the game even also have ramps leading up to a platform in front of their paintings.

Your copy must have been glitched. Mine had a painting in that spot.

git gud

The better flaseflag would be stomping the two pillars to drain the moat. I'll be looking for those posts in the next few days.

>dude it's called a secret you're just suppose to run into every wall you see in every room until you encounter it

no, it's called bad game design.

There's literally a fucking sign next to them that tells you to do it

The wall literally ripples like a painting when you touch it.

It's not bad design when a character leads you right to it. Not to mention the levels are numbered and you can see in the menu by deduction where or not you've missed one in the basement.

The game also tells you about them after you get a certain number of stars.

If by zoomers you mean literal children, yes. I was like 4 when the DS port came out and got a good 80 stars by the time i was 8. 64 just ain't hard.

You weren't, it's part of discovery and you don't need it to beat the game.

Game guides were the DLC of the 90s. If you wanted to unlock the whole game, you bought a guide.

You have 120 stars so you did it already

Because if you run up to it it gives the exact same ripple effect all the paintings do? retard.

i guess pretty much every game back then had bad game design then user since a good chunk of them had secrets from walls and bookcases you had to press a button on to bombable/explorable secrets

How are you supposed to know to jump on enemies?
>touch enemy
>get hurt
>touch top of enemy
>they die

>see odd dead end hallway
>run up to wall
>wall shimmers and ripples and wobbles like all the paintings

I bumped into it trying to catch the rabbit and noticed the wall rippled. I don't know how other kids knew.

The wall will be shimmering because you got close.

The wall starts to shake and move

fixed it for you nintendo

Attached: sm64.png (299x225, 134.96K)

How the fuck was I supposed to know the tile order?

Attached: i-got-this.webm (853x480, 2.97M)

I don't even think Shifting Sand Land's painting was obtuse, (I found it as an 8 year old no problem, likely from chasing mips) but the moat thing was quite literally signposted. It's not obscure at all, and like the other user mentioned, the game reminds you to do it if you haven't already.

You weren't necessarily supposed to, its not like the level is mandatory for beating the game

when you touch the wall it wiggles

In my copy the wall took me to the egypt desert. But apparently most people go somewhere else with this wall.

>here's that $60 meal you ordered sir
>what do you mean half your meal is missing? it's in there somewhere hiding you just need to find it. not like it's mandatory for getting full geez


Attached: E097EC43-428D-41DB-A47D-4007B0F01FB0.jpg (1024x782, 167.48K)

How the hell were you supposed to know this?

Attached: 1578103334488.webm (544x424, 1.84M)

If you missed half the levels in Mario 64 then you might have just outed yourself as a retard.

>catch mips before this dead end
>never learned this was an level portal
>never completed the game

This reminds me of those shitty SM64 blooper videos that would switch to MK64 Royal Raceway footage to represent characters driving to/from Peach's castle


Back in the day, a 10yo friend discovered this shit after like 5 minutes running around the castle. People weren't fortnite retarded back then.

>ummmm waiter i'm too retarded to find half the food on my plate help me pls
Is that really what you're going with

Could isekaid anons finish Mario 64 without Mario superhuman abilities?
Why anyone havent made a game like this?