Mom walks in

>Mom walks in

Attached: y6.png (1600x902, 1005.9K)

>Kiryu: Boobies...!
Dangerously based

Post the webm of the game journalist covering his own eyes

>Anri Okita has a child
Imagine your friends telling you that your mom had the best tits in JAV history.
Ueharafags need not apply

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Her boobs got ruined after having a mutt child.

You mean improve.
And mutt baby?


What's it like being gay, user?


Are Arni and Hitomi still hanging out?

>dad walks in

Attached: 638970_20200208234639_1.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

They couldn't even complete Yakuza 6, good thing there's big milkers, that'll totally make up for it being 1/3 of the game Yakuza 5 and 0 were


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>le baste
Fuck off.

>game journalist
you mean jewish söyboy? I guess that's a synonym for game journalist though.

>character in japanese game sees tits
>immediately reverts to retarded childlike state
whats with this dumb shit

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thats not hitomi

We all crave the milkers. To be caressed by a busty woman while you suckle on her huge titties is the ultimate goal of all of humanity.

my mom would be glad to see that I'm not gay

anri is really attractive, I wish I had a time machine so I could rescue her before she did porn

Hitomi's tits are granny tier.

i've probably cummed a cement turners worth of cum to her I wish I knew how to hire her privately

The most incel post I've ever seen

>I start milking my mommy!!!

please go


You do you, but I just can't be turned with that face and her body isn't even that great, she seriously has no ass to top it all off.


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smoke man tails

Get new material, retard. Go post upvotes on the upvote webzone.


"oh is that anri?"

Something is not right with her right leg.

>not posting the webm

Attached: 1562124640825.webm (854x480, 1.97M)


Fuck off.

wtf I love Sega now

hello, based department?


Besides Anri, there there other JAV stars in the Yakuza games? I swear Hitomi was in one of them but I'm probably wrong.