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contrarianism: the video.
Already proven he was just too retarded to understand how to play the game by his GG playthrough. Alttp is the most overrated Zelda game besides Botw and fedoras mask
Arin is a little bitch
>Marries a girl that has severe FAS
remember when he went by egoraptor and made animations?
Does oney still call him a faggot on Twitter?
Arin had the chance to be a legendary online personality and keep his integrity alive as an animator and analytical reviewer and commenter.
He sold his soul to screaming into a microphone for letsplays. While easily better off financially, I still like to think that his heart and soul are probably cold, dead and brittle.
he's just a terrible fucking player in almost everything he touches
his game sense is next to non-existant, so him having any valuable opinion on what makes a good game is laughable
Egoraptor gave up his dream of being an animator to be a dogshit "musician" and a terrible letsplayer.
Anything he says should be taken with a mountain of salt
>his heart and soul are probably cold, dead and brittle.
Oh absolutely, you can see it in his eyes.
>He sold his soul to screaming into a microphone for letsplays
Game Grumps probably makes a fuck ton of money
Wouldn't you do the same?
>gave up his dream of being an animator
I'm mean, it's not like he could make a living off it anyway. American "animation" is just a shitty calarts nepotism club.
there are many ways to make money
The video is all over the place. It's called OoT vs. LttP but it starts by talking about Zelda 1, briefly covers LttP, then OoT where he rants about issues that are also present in LttP but are only a problem to him in OoT, then he just goes off and goes over a bunch of other Zelda games like SS. There's no focus. It isn't actually a compare and contrast of LttP and OoT the way earlier episodes of Sequelitis were for their respective games.
Literally every point made in the video is laughably debunkable by the fact that Arin is an impatient little shit who doesn't understand how the game can be played. My favorite is him not understanding how Deku nuts and sticks work.
>I still like to think that his heart and soul are probably cold, dead and brittle.
That's what happens when you don't take your pills, Alice
You're saying you wouldn't play vidya with a friend as your job if given the opportunity?
A fuck ton of money is just as useful as enough money to people who honor integrity above selling out to twelve year olds.
I don't care what anyone says, he's funny and still makes me laugh, but he's an actual retard when it comes to what makes a videogame good or bad.
Like an actual retard.
it's the only thing he does.
He probably had low self esteem when he was younger and latched onto whatever bitch who would give him the time of day and now he's stuck with her. Does Suzy even do anything nowadays or does she just leech off of GG money?
Whenever I see Arin and the way he acts off camera all I can think is that Arin, for no reason at all, decided to become the character he played in his videos
Let’s plays are on their way out anyways. It’s all about live streaming now. Uploading a 10 minute let’s play a day is no match for people streaming for hours a day.
Does arin hide his power level? It must be soul crushing.
This is the most retarded out of touch take i've heard in a long time. Have you never heard of fucking patreon? It funds tons and tons of artists or even just normal youtubers, even around the time he started his youtube lp shit. Spoony STILL has a patreon despite him going MIA over 8 years ago.
>Does Suzy even do anything nowadays or does she just leech off of GG money?
>implying married women do anything other than leech off their husbands money until it’s dried out
They’ll be divorced in three or less years from now. Mark my words.
I don't agree with his points and I think he was contrarian for the sake of publicity rather than actually believing in his points.
I will agree however that those fucking clams are bullshit enemies.
Egoraptor and AVGN killed OoT and MM fans, haven't seen anyone defend these games after the videos dropped.
that was back when saying nigger was "edgy and funny". Plus most people didn't have their personal information out on the internet, so it's not like you could call in into their job or anything.
That episode of TTYD I watched where he fucked up the puzzle where you have to hit the switches the amount of times that it says to for several minutes makes me cringe. The man is a retard
Even if he was right about OoT being overrated, it was very clear his only reason for thinking so was to go against the grain for the sake of pretending to be smart. Classic contrarian shit that stems from various insecurities.
Also damn near the whole video can be debunked by saying "use items and watch where you're going"
No. That sounds terrible.
>Link to the past is a little bit harder than OOT so that completely overcomes to gap in soundtrack, atmosphere, and storytelling
>severe FAS
the fuck is that?
I like his rant about the puzzles in OOT of time being monotonous and just "noticing things" meanwhile the game he's sucking off all video (LTTP) all the puzzles are "hit the one switch in the room, push the thing and etc". He's just biased
He doesn't really compare the two that much, he just talks about each of their strengths and weaknesses. It's more of a critique of the series in general than a comparison between A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time.
Fetal alcohol syndrome. It's not that severe in Suzy's case, to be fair, but she fits the fucking bill to a T.