>Epic facing US Govt probe over links to Tencent and Data Security
Awww shiet
Epic facing US Govt probe over links to Tencent and Data Security
Other urls found in this thread:
>China steals your personal info
>Action takes place
>America steals your info
>Nothing happens
>t. Chang
>t. burger
The rule of "im bigger, richer, better than you and you gotta deal with my shit" is not just an American thing. He'll, it even happens between the states within America. Just look at the dispute for liberty Island between NJ and NY.
China just so happens to be on everyone's hate boner radar for the last two years
the egs shills have gone quiet now
>Even God Emperor Trump himself is sick of EGS shenanigans and Timmy meddling in affairs he doesn't belong in
t. ranny who forces political correctness while China doesn't and kills muslims
America got shat on for that several times, what are you even talking about
Was this your hill worth dying on Sweeny?
>t. Xi
Will Tim Sweeney get Epstein'd in federal prison
They shouldn't have attacked Apple, one of the USA govs biggest assets
Would be funny if Riot comes under scrutiny just because Tim Epic couldn't contain his autism.
>China just so happens to be on everyone's hate boner radar for the last two years
I imagine starting a global pandemic by actively lying to the WHO didn't help with that.
>Epic is going to take out Apple
>Gov is going to take out Epic
>Trump is going to take out the Gov
The future is so bright
>the land of freedom needs your information to help fulfill the American Dream
>dog eating insectoids take your information to feed winnie the pooh's insatiable appetite for global chinkronization
it's pretty clear why we treat them differently
"shat on" fucking how? by making zucc memes? making boomers (who are deep in Zuck's pockets) ask retarded questions?
when will Congress try to ban facebook and instagram like they're trying with Tik Tok?
you can hate China/Tencent and still call out hypocrisy
>defending and pushing obvious propaganda
is it true that you glow in the dark?
>China just so happens to be on everyone's hate boner radar for the last two years
Are you really that naive?
China has been a nightmare to deal with for just about any business on the global market.
Their tourists are absolutely shit tier, as anyone who ever had the displeasure of running across them could tell you.
They've been ruining online games for longer than the past decade as well.
That "do not learn mandarin" green text from here is also from early 2016, long before
>orange man said china bad
was even a thing.
The US have been sued and investigated here in the EU several times after it was exposed that they kept spying on people.
It's not like "nothing happened" at all, regardless what you might think about the outcome.
you aren't fooling anyone, chang
This, there's literally no difference between locally headquartered businesses/your own democratic government and an actively hostile foreign power that constantly (and I mean literally 27/7/365) is trying to steal information from your government, businesses, and friends all with the goal of fucking you over.
well at least the vaccine is coming soon
>for a virus that mutates fast enough to reinfect previously infected individuals in only 3 short months
Yeah it's right around the corner, user.
It's coming soon but not for you.
You get to have it in 4 years from now.
We can have a vaccine ready in two weeks user. If you want to blow by every phase of testing and risk the general population to even worse shit.
No surprise. Their entire wing is jewish bankers/companies hating on based China thriving without their financial or imperialist slavery.
What are you, a shortbus kid? le orange man can say whatever, but he has been bending over for china every step of the way. Those little outbursts are pure media theater, he has been facilitating their bullshit and refusing to condemn their atrocities the entire time. Get your dick out of your ass and stop smelling your own farts, you obese trumpanzee embarrassment.
chinks can't even post here retard
>It's not like "nothing happened" at all,
good thing I didn't say that. But America absolutely didn't get "shat on numerous times". American tech corps were met with a very mild inconvenience, that's it. Not comparable to outright banning their services in the EU or US
Yes, there are differences. Yes, it's still hypocritical.
>actively hostile foreign power that constantly (and I mean literally 27/7/365) is trying to steal information from your government, businesses, and friends all with the goal of fucking you over.
Do you think the US doesn't do the same? are you retarded or were you born yesterday? also locally headquartered means jackshit when they do so much business with China and some are even partially owned by China. I'm glad Tencent is getting some of its limbs cut off cause they're basically a Trojan horse of Chinese influence, but drop the muh national security fucking bullshit. Facebook deserves the banhammer too.
What I said was that people disliked china long before anyone ever cared about Trump.
But good job ignoring everything else to focus on that one point stating so, you absolute retard.
>US is so filled with trannies and 89 iq mutt creatures the only way they can “compete” is to bully and strangle anything related to China
Watch 5g mysteriously become safe and cool once an american company develops it.
>>Epic facing US Govt probe over links to Tencent and Data Security
Well shit. This is basically like the DEA knocking the door of a crack den. I really want this to happen so I we can Sweeney's retarded face.