I’m 35 years old and I’m ready to move on with my life Zig Forums. I want to exercise, cook, eat healthy, get in relationship, work a good job, have kids and own a house.
And today I realized to do this I have to give up this lifelong addiction/friend called video games. It’s not a matter of moderation, there is no joy or life progress to be had with games in your life.
Free yourselves Zig Forums. Sell your consoles, uninstall stream, skip the next generation of horse shit and be free my friends
you can do all that shit and still play games user, you deny it but moderation is all you need. Free yourself user, just do whatever you want be it with games or without.
Jayden Phillips
Why? Because I don’t want to be a failure of life like you?
Brayden Cruz
Chase Gray
Because you aren't already successful and looking for an escape from your own shortcomings. It's not video games, it's you. You are pathetic.
Liam Turner
Lose weight
Isaiah Ward
yeah ok see you tomorrow
Eli Reyes
You don’t know shit about me you worthless faggot trash.
James Martin
Going cold turkey is not how you quit an addiction like games and you're correlating games with your own personal problems. I'm glad you decided to do some self improvement but don't go overboard or you'll fall right back to where you are now. Get a job if you don't have one, try to socialize a little more, still use games as a way to unwind. Set a schedule if you have to, I basically play games for two hours a day if I play at all just because that's all I have the time for between everything else I want to do.
Jason Rodriguez
self improvement is a slow process. you have to start small. giving up video games will open doors for more self improvement
John Miller
Luke Gomez
i had a conversation with God, set down my quarter, and told him next life I'm getting the high score
Ethan Ward
It's true it's a slow process, but we're not talking about heroin addiction. I honestly and truly believe that if you're success in life is hampered by video games, you are honestly and truly pathetic.
Eli Davis
But I do/have all that and still play video games... so maybe it's just you, maybe you suck.
Evan Cook
bye fag lol
Kevin Howard
have sex
Matthew Moore
Everyone already knows more than enough.
Noah Walker
pajeet my son a woman will never love you give up and take more ESL courses, vidya will always love you
Logan Sanders
See you tomorrow
Liam Turner
Might as well throw out the TV and computer, user, and all books not directly related to learning skills...and for that matter, the best learning is first hand experience so just go out innawoods and >fuck off
Camden Long
>if you're success in life is hampered by video games, you are honestly and truly pathetic. all the better for him to give it up and reclaim some self respect
Asher Bennett
>35 >I want to exercise, cook, eat healthy, get in relationship, work a good job, have kids and own a house. nigga its too late for any of that, but do quit vidya and at least enjoy the few years you have left, even if you're gonna be alone for all of them
Brayden Cox
I did this and it sucks fucking balls don't fucking do it I beg you
Blake Baker
Make sure to destroy your computer as to resist temptation
John Collins
Exactly this, you already missed the best time to do that
John Bell
You can do all of those things and still play video games. Every person who has all of those things has time that they spend on the couch doing nothing.
Aiden Ross
it's too late for you fag last digit represents the strands of hair you have left
John Lewis
Giving up video games is the best decision you'll ever make. Life is so much better, and you can still shitpost on Zig Forums, because it's not like anyone else on here knows shit about them anyways.
Thomas Carter
As a wagie, it's almost impossible to play after work because of the mental strain of working all day. Also the unexpected call or message from your superiors about work related shit.
Wyatt Edwards
Not spending so much time lurking sites like Zig Forums would also be a big help, OP
Brody Thomas
I say this without intending offense, but when you grow up you'll figure it out. I played games since I was a child, and I still want to play games all the time, but I have a job, a house, and a wife. you put your priorities first and then use what little time you have left however you like. I feel lucky to get an hour of vidya in. games only hold you back if you're choosing them over the other things in life. good luck either way, user