>Japs are just happy to get classic monster hunter game, without witcher senses, handlers, cinematic experience, fast travels, clutch claw and boring dragons
>but Zig Forums only cares about shitposting because game is Nintendo exclusive
Why are you guys like that?
Japs are just happy to get classic monster hunter game, without witcher senses, handlers, cinematic experience...
Other urls found in this thread:
Japan loves Geralt
this isn't classic my dude
it's world through and through and fuck you for even saying that
Provide evidence
Only world newfags who never played any older game would say garbage like that.
This is literally classic monster hunter experience with natural evolution of series
To be fair Switch is more common in Japan than the PS4, so really they don't have the fanboyism hell hat we've made for ourselves.
>Why are you guys like that?
I'm fucking hyped user but also a little pissed that I have to buy a console only for MH again.
PS2, to PSP to Wii to WiiU to 3DS to PC or PS4 and now a Switch Jesus please make up your mind lol.
>Japs are just happy to get classic monster hunter game
world isn't okay just because it's on switch
MHW outsold every other MH game in Japan though
It looks like shit