>play smash online
>constantly rage quit after just getting hit once
>squeezing my controller so hard it nearly snaps in half
>screaming and hitting myself in pure rage and frustration
how do I stop doing this
Play smash online
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stop being a sperg. and also play a better game.
Aren’t you the same guy who uses a CG controller to jack off?
answer my question
Get help, unironically.
Do you live with your family? Talk to them about it, maybe they will pay a therapist to you.
A good idea would get another game, too.
For 3.50$ dollars a month I can PM you photos of anime girls with encouragement phrases. For 50 cents more, I will ask about your day.
damn op I tried to be friends but you never replied u nigger
play minecraft
You're playing slippi right? Tilt is big. Focus on the game at hand, and be at peace with the prospect of losing the micro game and the macro game. If punished in the neutral, check to see if he's reactively dash dancing your approaches or is trying to overwhelm with movement and shield pressure. Mix-up your approaches and if he's escaping combos pay attention to his DI and tech options, then punish accordingly. Of course, even if your skilled their will be people who are just always slightly better at moving, spacing, and execution. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try your best against them and learn from the losses to maybe do better next time.
If you're playing ultimate, just quit out that game sucks
fuck off kike
the only thing I can do is think about how fucking stupid this game is and how much more fun and not fucking retarded street fighter is
this game has no footsies and you can't even control your fucking character
You can certainly control your character. It's up to you to put in the time it takes to out maneuver people already accustomed to the movement. Do or don't. If you wanna play street fighter then that's chill too. But don't blame the game if you're lacking in it.
I started with melee and played it for years before I got into street fighter and realized how much less fucking retarded and shitty the game is
the game is fucking shit and takes no brain power you just eat your stupid shit controller and the other person can't do anything about it
You put too much of your self-worth into winning.
Refocus your life around something else.
Competition is not the only way to validate your existence.
For your own health you must search for peace.
mad cuz bad
you want to prove it nigger
You’re not nearly breaking your controller be squeezing it. You’re a pasty man child with flabby arms that are incapable of breaking a controller through squeezing.
Stop playing smash and instead pursue a more enriching hobby.
I think you've already proven that getting irrationally upset and performing poorly go hand and hand
I have nothing else I care about
being good at video games is the only thing I have in my life
post your code you pussy faggot
This aight gonna prove anything to ya, but I'll whoop ya for free.
Clearly you don't even have that since you're bad at video games.
By not playing smash online? I only rarely ever play smash when it's with friends/family in a local setting. Smash is dog shit if played any other way for any other reason.
man you must be pretty embarrassed
>no reply
The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.
Stop playing video games and do something productive in your life
have sex sweat
Yeah. It IS just a game. So don't act like such a faggot 8-year-old about it. You're the kind of dude a bitch keeps around for rent while taking dicks from the trailer park down the road.
Hey bitch if you can’t tell, you’re having a panic attack because you lost at a game. Get a grip
I’m not the guy you played with
You give animeposters a bad name, fuck off and get some therapy
You're fucking trash. No matter how hard you try and how much effort you force yourself to make you will not stop being garbage. Own your mediocrity, accept that you will lose to anything you're not 100% prepared to face and even then you will still lose if you're not sharp because you're not good enough. There, you're free now, forget about trying to beat your opponent and start playing with the goal of having fun pick something that you think is cool and just focus on learning cool shit and slowly adding elements to your gameplay just to keep it fresh.
Learn to take a loss.
You aren't at a tournament, no one is watching, and no one cares. Fucking chill and try to learn from each game, this is all just training anyway so treat it like that.
I literally just put some shit eating faggot in their place
I'm the fucking best
We have found the Cringelord.
Who are you, OP? You went from screaming to gloating? For beating someone that much worse than you? To say you have a child's mentality is an insult to children, and you will never improve if you don't grow as a person. If you want to lose, I'd be more than happy to teach you some humility.