>PC gaming....
PC gaming
I would not have sex with a succubus.
the home of soul...
where you don't have to worry about some executive in california getting upset about boobs...
where you can play any game from any generation whenever you want...
Is the protagonist a non-binary succubus hunter like the Belmont family, with Leeds?
Yeah man, libra heart make great stuff.
Great game, what's the problem
>he doesn't like Libra Heart's games
So OP, what is it like being a faggot?
Never ever consolecuck
Wait they're on fucking steam now?
The succubus series are by far the best porn games
A few of them are listed but only op has a release date. Now I just need to figure out if steam or something like dlsite offers a better cut for the dev.
Is this porn
I can't find that game on dlsite, am I gonna have to move over to steam for my succubus addiction?
Slightly different name. Also I have now been reminded of the madness that is the redone art for the English release of the first succubus game.
At least it's not 70$/80€ + tip
Is this game out yet? Neat.
>"Here's to you, PC!"
What did they change?
Oh wow it's much worse
>Just finished building a $1400 PC
>Will probably just play porn games and AoE2 on it
You say that like that's a bad thing. A fun game is what matters most.
Thanks user :)
Imagine having to pay 70$ por each cinematic experience.
I'm a big fan of jump and shot
What a bunch of nerds
The succubus games are pretty legit. Some feel pretty authenticly retro.
i hope you posted this to prove him right
>3rd person action adventure
>Every single one of them
kill yourself
based and anti-coomer pilled