Do you think Crytek did a good job listening to criticism of Crysis: Remastered and completely turning the project...

Do you think Crytek did a good job listening to criticism of Crysis: Remastered and completely turning the project around in two months?

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I still think it's not a good enough improvement to warrant rereleasing on PC

I don't like the warmer colours but otherwise it seems to be shaping up nicely, I'm excited to finally play it at 100+fps.

The new version will have better compatibility with future hardware and software.


Proper multithreading is enought to warrant a rerelease.

IMO performance improvements shouldn't be something you have to pay for, as software should basically just werk

Unfortunately Crytek made the wrong gamble back in 2007, and here we are.

Apparently the threading in Crysis Remastered is... less than super. But it's more than 2 threads, so there's that. Also, a lot of the testing is being down with ray tracing cranked up, and Crytek's agnostic RT method is a huge CPU hog. I think this game's performance characteristics are gonna be complicated.

It's really weird seeing people on YT turn the settings up and are then surprised they have to turn them down, though. It's been so long since we've had a game like this aimed at pushing PC hardware with lots of little small touches.

>Also, a lot of the testing is being down with ray tracing cranked up, and Crytek's agnostic RT method is a huge CPU hog.
That and universal LOD 0 are the biggest performance hogs, I'm confident it will run really well with minor tweaks, certainly better than the original.

i haven't played Crysis but when I do I'm playing the original not the remaster because I want to experience the game as the fuck is when it came out instead of some decade later outsourced pajeet zoomer's interpretation of it

I would imagine that fuckhuge shadow rendering distance is gonna be a CPU hog, and potentially a single threaded CPU hog. There's a reason most games have pretty shitty shadow draw distances.

i think its great they were called out for trying to sell actual shit instead of everyone just accepting it.

>I still think it's not a good enough game to warrant rereleasing

dude you cant "fix" a bad port

What do you mean by that?

>puke green remastered
Should have just upscaled the ps4/x360 version to 4k and upgraded the textures also to 4k.
Pretty simple!

Does anybody know, when games on epic come out?

Nevermind it's already out.

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why would you buy this?

Because it's kino.

ok, that response tell me what kind of people buy this

Crysis 1 is one of the few singleplayer FPS experiences that's actually good

It's just a good game and only 20€ with the epic discount. I really want to see the changes and just complete the game again. I replayed the original yesterday up to the first real combat encounter, so that I can do a few comparisons and I was immediately hooked again. They don't make games like this anymore.

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Replaying the game made me realize it was more than just a benchmark for PC, the missions had a lot of open ending and a lot of way to approach, enemy AI was pretty decent and there were a lot of tools to play with

crack when?

Could've pirated, but decided instead to support Ching Chong Games Store.
Let it be known to you, and everyone else, that you are corporate cock-gargling faggots, with a penis inserted as a spine.

I'll let you know how it runs without DRM, mouthbreathers.


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Hot take: second half of the crysis is good.

I haven't bought the game on EGS and I don't even have EGS installed

hot shit take

>Could've pirated, but decided instead to support Ching Chong Games Store.
It has Denuvo.

anyone knows how does VPN works with EGS?
in argentina Crysis remaster is like $6

I went through Core again and it sure was cool fighting aliens in that cave but it became boring after a while, hopefully the VTOL mission is as good as I remember.

so will the gameplay itself be based on the console versions or not? I've been reading conflicting reports

Ascension was cut because Crytek hate it.

I'll never forgive the germans

True facts. They needed something to spice things up to avoid repetition. Aliens were infinitely better than trigens too.

You can toggle between the console version and the pc version of the nanosuit. No idea, about anything else

Pirate chads are too cocky these days.