PC comes with 2k (1440p) tho
Choose your fighter. And why.
I'm might just get a ps5 to save $$$.
PC comes with 2k (1440p) tho
Choose your fighter. And why.
I'm might just get a ps5 to save $$$.
>2k (1440p)
>free online
>do everything else on it
>can spend $500 for a decent build now then upgrade later and sell parts
>can use all my peripherals
>higher refresh rates
Seriously consolekeks just go to bed already
chill bro i just want to play games faggot.
>$2000 PC
>only 1440p
u wot
>games are cheaper on PC
>backwards compatibility
>cheaper games
I've always been PC only but this time I'm getting a PS5 because of how annoying PCfags on Zig Forums are
>want to build pc
>dude just wait, x part is coming out in a few months
>wait for x to come out
>dude just wait, y part is coming out in a few months
>wait for y to come out
>dude just wait, z part is coming out in a few months
If you faggots didn't want me to build a pc, just tell me instead of wasting my fucking time.
Why do you bother making these shitty threads if when I do want to make a pc you tell me to keep waiting?
Fuck you all.
Games on PC are free
I really don't need to say anything else
do i need to pay any money on xbox to browse the web on it?
Just buy some nice parts that do what you want and slap it together. You want 4K 1gorrilion fps? Buy it. Put it together like legos. If you wait forever for the bleeding edge shit to come out, that you probably won't even use to it's fullest anyway, why are you bothering? Buy a nice board, buy ram, buy a cpu and gpu, buy a nice case and fans with a powersupply that can keep up with it all. Done, upgrade as needed and not a second sooner. Don't listen to fags like they own you.
why are you paying 2k for a PC? dont you already own one? you can just simply upgrade the graphics card
>Via 9gag
Got a chuckle outta me
>$2k pc
great bait
>Free online
Love this meme.
>Buy a 500$ XSX
>Buy a year suscription of gamepass
>Pay a 500$ prostitute
>When im not playing throw a party with the other 900$. Socialize, make friends.
Pc faggots are such sad and lonely people. They are wasting all the money they have ond such mundand things like a 2000$ pc that at best will be a "Good" gaming pc for about a year. After that what? You will spend another 1000$ upgrading? That's sad
You forgot
>backwards compatibility to old 90s windows variants (hundreds of thousands of games)
>can VM older or different systems and do even more, like DOSbox
>piracy is easy and riskless
>emulation for PS3 is getting started, can already emulate thousands of console games
>you can watch PS4 games on youtube if they’re not ported yet
>lots of unique and technical genres endemic to PC
Does the $2000 include that monitor and that headset?
Most good competitive games that you can actually play for a long time aren't available on console, and if they are you have to deal with shit controls and will never face the best players because they're on pc.
If you're a casual shitter and just want to play interactive movies for 8 hours then never touch them again console is fine for you I guess.
It's cute how you consolefags still propose this little "competition" of yours even after all these generations. Nothing needs explaining. If you don't know why PC will always be superior, then you're too young to be here.
I choose the PS5. The 2000 dollars seems like overkill unless you're buying literally everything that has to do wtih using a computer i.e. a battlestation. 1 or 2 monitors, headphones/speakers, keyboard/mouse, printer, chair, desk, vr headset, etc..
It's not a meme you dumb retard
Correct answer is a $1200 PC in 2 years.
>$500 console
>$70 games
>paid online
>already shown that games have been downgraded
Yikes I can't imagine being a snoy
This thread... Again.
With every new console happens the same fucking shit. PR management starts same threads over and over, and incels take it like there's no tomorrow.
Also, pc always wins. No brainer here. Open sys to close sys. Do whatever you want vs. Buy only what we provide. Come on. Only braindead brand fags can possibly says defend consoles.
>muh exclusives
Not worthy.
>paid online
Just like PC?
There’s no extra fee for using a server unless you’re playing WoW or something
The internet cost is already there on console, but on PC there’s no extra.
No? Are you retarded?
>Most good competitive games that you can actually play for a long time aren't available on console
You're not wrong, but how much power do you need for Rocket League, CS:GO etc.
PC, massive library and having a second monitor is fucking amazing.
Facts. They make every game better.
I do not often say this, but, BASED
PC if you can afford it, console if you can't. It's not hard.